Fighting Over me.

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[Tommys POV]

I just stared at my Father in the doorway, Did I really want to go with him? No. But I know I needed to, he would hurt these people, and I didn't want them to get hurt for my problems.

"Alright. Let's go."

I looked at Phil with a saddened look, He was shocked that I was going to go with him, But he didn't know the reasoning. It's like they didn't want me to go, I didn't, but maybe if I ever see these people again, I will tell them the reason.

"Great! I'll be outside waiting."

I nodded. I climbed the ladder back upstairs where ghostbur was, He looked at my confused while I was grabbing my bag.

"What are you doing Tommy? What happened?"

"I have to go home big man. I might be back, But I can't make promises."

He looked like he was about to cry. He sat up and ran to me and hugged me, I was surprised he didn't phase through me. I hugged him back, I had a gut feeling telling me I would be back, But I wasn't for sure.

After I packed up everything I waved goodbye to Ghostbur, I went down the wooden ladder and I waved everyone goodbye and thanked them for helping me.

I went out and shut the door behind me. My dad looked at me, Angrily. Why? Wasn't he the one that kicked me out of the house? Anyway he motioned me to follow him and I did.

We walked through the cold powdered snow for an hour or 2 until we reached back home. Yay.., yes I meant that sarcastically. He pushed me inside and slammed the door.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!? Interupting peoples lives with your OWN issues?! You stupid disgrace for a child!"

He walked up to me and slapped me. He slapped me so hard I fell on the ground, my cheek was so red that it stinged when I touched it.

He threw me to the stairs. I quickly got myself up and ran upstairs to my room. I got in my room and shut the door and ended up locking it. I hated him so much. Why did he hate me this bad? It wasn't my fault Mom left.

I ended up crying on the floor, I was so much better with the others, why did I choose to come here? To get hurt more? I don't know, I'm a fucking idiot that's why.

Anyway I picked myself up off the floor because I didn't want to sleep on the floor. I walked myself over to my bed and laid on it. It wasn't the most comfortable bed, but it worked, and I wasn't complaining.

I ended up crying myself to sleep due to the pain in my cheek and my side when he threw me to the stairs. It became morning, My dad always forced me to get up around 10am, but he left me sleep in today. I got myself up from the bed, limping a bit since I couldn't really stand due to my side being fucked up.

I limped downstairs and I didn't see my dad around, I guess hes still asleep. I made myself some cereal and sat at the kitchen table. Dad always told me to not eat alot, I didn't know why but it was his rule.

I quickly ate my cereal so my dad wouldn't yell at me for eating his food. I finally ate all of it and washed the bowl and the spoon and dried it off. I put the silverware in the drawer and the bowl on the top shelf.

I heard my dad coming down the stairs, I prepared myself for the worst of it, he wasn't a morning person for sure, and that's when he was the most angry. Before he could open his mouth the door bell rang, who could it be at this time? Plus no one comes over here?

He death stared me and opened the door. His eyes widened of who it was. Phil? Why was Phil here?? How did he know where we lived?!

"Look, I know its early but I don't trust you with Tommy, now hand him over."

Phil didn't sound happy. He sounded like he would take me regardless, I mean I wouldn't mind if he did if I'm being brutally honest.

"Excuse me? He's my son. Your not taking him from me."

"Oh yeah? Then why did your own son look terrified when you came over to pick him up?!"

"He chose to come with me! So apparently he isn't terrified thank you very much."

They argued back and forth.

They were Fighting over, Me?

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