What Family?

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[Tommys POV]

I didn't want to move, I was to scared to. What if this person trapped me and kept me hostage? What if they tried to kill me? Sorry, thoughts again. I really need to control them because they do me no good.

"Who the fuck are you?! Why are you here?!?"

He said. He pulled out a dark purple enchanted sword. Was he gonna hurt me?! I stepped back in fear and backed up into the chests on the wall. I was completely terrified, I didn't mean harm. I just needed a place to rest then I would be gone for good!

"I-im sorry! I didn't mean to cause harm I'm sorry!"

I said. I didn't want him to hurt me, plus it caused me flashbacks from my dad for when he took out his anger out on me. The man stepped more closer to me and I started to flinch and out my hands infront of my face so he wouldn't hit my face.

I was waiting for the hit, but nothing happened? I uncovered my face and his expression went from anger to concerned, i didn't mean for harm, I just needed to find a new home.

"I-im sorry. I'll be on my way now."

I started grabbing my things and walked towards the door until I felt a arm tug my arm back. I looked back at the man in confusion.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look intimidating, I was just confused on how you got in here"

Why is he apologizing? I was the one that trespassed! I shouldn't have come here. All I need is just another family that hurts me over and over again.

"I didn't mean to come in here."

"It's fine. May I ask what your name is?"

I hesitated for a moment, was I really gonna tell a stranger I just met my actual name?


"Mines Techno. Nice to meet you Tommy. Would you like something to eat atleast?"

What?! I just broke into this dude's house and he's gonna forgive me? If I was him I would've hurt them if they came into my house, maybe he wasn't that bad? But I didn't want to be a bother to this person. But I didn't want to make the person upset that I didn't accept so I did.

"Uhm, sure."

He motioned me to sit at the table. I felt bad for eating this person's food, but I've been hungry for atleast a few days. But I sat in the wooden chair and waited. He finally got done cooking what looked like eggs and bacon, the usual breakfast meal.

He put it all on a white plate and set the plate in front of me with a fork. I felt bad he had to do all of that for me, but he seemed chill.

"So Tommy, What are you doing traveling this far?"

I looked at him, hesitating to answer his question. But I mean, I guess I should just tell him the truth, or tell a complete lie..

"I wanted to move to a new location to build a new house. I didn't like the area where I was before."

Yeah I know I told a lie, but I mean I don't know this person, plus I don't wanna tell my whole sob story and people pity me.

"Tommy you do realize I know your lying right?"

What?! He just met me! How did he know I was lying? Did he just have some ability to know?? I know I wouldn't get out this easy then if I had to tell the complete truth.

"Fine. My dad kicked me out of the house and I had to find a new place."

"I'm sorry, I mean you can stay here as long as you like, I mean no one lives here besides me and my dad Phil"

"Oh no you don't have to do that, I will be fine I-"

"Tommy, Its fine, Seriously it doesn't bother me at all."

How would it not bother him?! I don't understand. I was caught out of my thoughts when the front door swung open. I looked at the man in the doorway, He had a green bucket hat striped with white, A green shirt and a black jacket, Blue jeans, huge black wings, and blue eyes, I'm guessing this was Phil?

"Hey Phil, this was the person I was talking about over the phone. Tommy, Meet Phil aka my Father."

"Hi. Nice to meet you sir."

Did I mention I was terrible with my words? Anyway let's get back to the story.

"Hey Tommy! Nice to meet you to mate!"

He sat down at the table me and Techno were sitting at, he looked at me and asked

"Tommy, Can you tell me what happened to your family?"

"What Family?.."

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