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Editors Note:

Yeah, Hi LOL, So this chapter will be fluff, like wholesome and stuff like that, Ya know just to give you guys a break on the angst, BUT NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE ANGST 🙏, anyway enjoy :]]

[Tommy's POV]

Me and this Tubbo guy started to talk at the kitchen table, He mostly liked bees and nature, he had a platonic Husband [PLATONIC PLEASE], His name was Ranboo, He talked about Him for a bit then shifted his way to me.

"What do you like Tommy?"

"Uhm, Well."

So I started to list some things I liked, I liked Spiders, yeah weird don't question, I liked Iron armor then Netherite, I liked to listen to music sometimes, I loved to build things, But I liked to act wild

But I didn't act like it because of my Father. He hated me being hyper all the time, so I drowned out the emotion and just acted somewhat normal. But I mean I didn't like much stuff since I wasn't really allowed to explore alot, but I liked being outside more then inside. Not because of my Dad, but because outside was beautiful and calming to me.

I hadn't told These people what my home life was like, Phil probably did know by the looks of me, I mean he is also a dad so I'd think he'd get the picture, but I knew all of them were curious about it. They didn't know everything, Like how you didn't know everything. I've only told you a part of it, Not the full thing.

But we will get to that eventually. But for now, it stays a secret. Anyway I liked the impression of Tubbo, He looked nice and calming, He did look like he would be a wild child like me but that wouldn't be a problem. Tubbo had Said he had invited Ranboo over so I could meet him.

Me and Tubbo talked for a little bit until I turned my attention to the opened front door. There was a 6 Ft man there, HOW THE FUCK IS HE THAT TALL?? He looked fucking intimidating if I'm being completely honest.

"Hey! Uhm hopefully I didn't scare you guys or interupt anything."

"Nah your okay Ranboo! Tommy this is Ranboo!"

"Uhm, Hi"

"Hello Tommy! Nice to meet you!"

He sat at the kitchen table with me and Tubbo, I looked at him, Getting a good look at his appearance [AGAIN NOT SHIPPING].

He didn't look human, Like me, But he was different. His face was Split with black and white, Like half endermen half ghast maybe?? His left eye was Rose Red, His right was Grass Green. He wore a black and white tuxedo, With black leggings. His hair was a dark dark grey color, almost black but not black. He wore a small crown on top of his head.

What was with these people and not being human? I mean Technoblade was a Pig, Phil had Huge wings, Ghostbur was a Ghost, Tubbo was some kind of Ram?, And Ranboo was a Endermen Ghast thing? Maybe these were my people?? I mean I had wings to.

Speaking of Wings, I haven't actually talked about them for some time. I've been hiding them under my coat, and stretching them out when everyone was in bed. I still didn't want anyone to find out. I know they might not be human also, but I didn't want it to be a big deal.

Me and Ranboo and Tubbo started to talk, I learned alot about them, but that is just the things they told me. Ranboo is an endermen, But can't teleport alot. He doesn't get angry when you look at him in the eyes. He also likes to Explore, his calming place is called the Panic Room, and last but not least he hates choosing sides, he prefers people.

I mean now that is understandable. I really liked these people, They seemed nice and welcoming, they haven't said anything bad to me, I mean literally Phil just saved my life twice from the man that knows my secret and wants me dead for it. They said that there's a town not far away from here filled with more people, It's called, Dream Smp or something like that, It sounded cool, but the people part wasn't much fun.

I started to think to myself, Since these people are like me, Does that mean they are..


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