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Editors Note:
HEY GUYS! I'm coming back to finally finish the fanfics because I know I kinda just left them on cliffhangers, but I'm gonna finally finish them for you guys :]. After these I'm most likely gonna do some Marvel or other fandom fanfics for you guys! So I hope you enjoy them aswell!
[Tommy's POV]

I knew I had to come clean now. If I didn't there would be alot of questions raised of what Dream wanted, why am I covered in blood, and such, But I was scared they would dislike me for who I am.

"Tommy what secret? I mean you don't have to tell us if you're not Ready-"

"No. I Uhm.. I need to say it now, you guys deserve to know the truth."

So I wiped off my tears and stood up and looked at Tubbo, Hesitating if I should say it or not.

"I have Wings Tubbo. Well... Had Wings.. Dream took me out of the Dream SMP to Cut off my wings and left me to bleed out. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner. I was scared of what you might say and I didn't want you to be scared of me because I was different-"

I was very surprised when warm arms wrapped around me lightly. I didn't expect the reaction out of Tubbo, I thought he would honestly hate me for being different. But by the hug I'm guessing he supported me or felt sorry for me.

"Tommy it's okay to be different. We wouldn't have minded if you were different. We're all different in our own way! Like how I'm a Ram and how Ranboo is An Enderman. But I'm very sorry he did this to you Toms.. don't worry, Ill find a way to make sure he doesn't come back around."

At first I honestly thought he meant kill dream, but he then explained how he was gonna take the power Dream had over people, His leverage, His Server, And he was sticking to this plan, and I had no intention of arguing with him. So we agreed. We had everyone in on it. Phil, Ranboo, Techno, and Ghostbur. Only though Ghostbur was just getting us materials, not fighting.

Later on that day Phil was starting to bandage up my back with deep slashes into them from dream ripping my wings out from the bone. I was in terrible pain, Pain I cannot describe, pain that I thought I would die from.


"Yes Tommy?"
He leaned over to look at me while raising his eyebrow in question

"Do you think my wings could possibly grow back at some point? Or does this mean I'm a human?..."

Phil didn't know what to say. He wanted to tell me everything would be fine and go back to normal, and the other half of him was worried it wouldn't be okay. That the plan might not go through how they want it to go through.

"Toms. I'm not really sure. There's a chance they could grow back, but it would take a very long time to grow, but then they might not. It really depends on how we look at it."

I nodded at Phil and he went back to bandaging. I know I'm very insecure of my wings, but what Tubbo said earlier put thoughts into my head. I've never tried to train with my wings or nothing. They were just there. They were beautiful red and orange wings with a tint of black blended in with the feathers. Maybe one day we can find something to help me grow them back.

After Phil was done bandaging me up and cleaning the wounds, He covered me up  with my red and while striped blanket, and told me Goodnight and went to his room across from mine. But I didn't sleep at all that night. I was too scared to sleep, The endless flashbacks, The pain, The horror of seeing nothing but red.

Around 4 am my back was in alot of pain, not like stabbing pain, But growing pains. I ended up getting up and looking at myself in my bedroom mirror on my door. I had no idea what it could be, but I turned around and looked at my back. Noticed the bandages started to break. So I quickly unwrapped the bandages and saw something unbelievable to believe.

My wings.. they were growing back?.. But how?. This made no sense to me, they were fun grown back wings but they were very tiny wings, and the feathers started to fall from they as if they were shedding to grow bigger. So I started to panic and went out my room to go to Phils and I went into Phils room and lightly shook him to maybe wake him up and it worked, and I started to whisper.

"Phil.. I think we have a problem."

Phil was very exhausted, but he sat up and looked at tommy while rubbing his eyes a bit

"What is it Toms?.."

I turned around to let Phil see what was happening to me, I was in total shock, and So was Phil. He was completely awake by then by seeing they were growing back. He was also confused since he had never seen anything like it.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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