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[Tommys POV]

They fought back for atleast 30 minutes, Until things got, Physical. My dad ended up punching Phil in the face, Pretty fucking hard, But lemme tell you, I wasnt fucking happy.

I looked at my dad with rage in my eyes, My blood boiling. Phil was covering his eye, Aka where my dad hit him, his eye was a dark purple circle, a bruise. I don't understand, My dad didn't want me? But when someone else takes his place, Like taking care of me, He gets upset and makes his first priority to hurt them.

I walked over to my dad and slapped him in the face as hard as possible, He fell on the ground due to his weakness from just being up a couple minutes ago. He stared at me, With the most death staring look he has ever given me. But did I care? No.

He had hurt me so much in my life, That I didn't care what he did. He hurt someone that helped me when I was in a vulnerable state, and let me spend the night. I wasn't going to just let my dad get away with it.

"You can hurt me all you want, But you will not hurt someone that saves me from your ass."

He just stared at me, his blood was boiling so much that his veins looked like they would pop out.

"Tommy, Can you go get your bag for me? I'll be outside waiting for you."

I nodded. I walked upstairs and grabbed my brown bag, Aka the bag that I carried over there the first night. I grabbed most of my clothes, and belongings, and was heading towards my bedroom door to leave, but that's when I heard footsteps, Angry footsteps.

I locked my bedroom door and looked out the window. My house wasn't a big home, but it was a 2 story. I looked out the window and see how far the drop would be. It didn't look to far down. Was this a bad idea? Yes, but I didn't have another choice.

My bedroom door started to crack, I mean I wasn't surprised but I knew I had to get out of there as fast as possible. I started to climb out of my window with my bag. I slid down the black tiled roof and dropped in, Someones arms??

I looked up to see it was Phil who had caught me. I was surprised because I was expecting to land in the snow, But I wasn't upset, I was more, Happy?

"Thank you. Now let's go before he comes after us."

"Good idea."

Phil had motioned me to get on his back. I climbed on it carefully. His black wings spreaded smoothly. I held on pretty good, Making sure I wouldn't fall off, Then he took off. Man the view was, Beautiful. The trees, The white snow, the sunrise, the colors of light blue, pink, orange, and red together. It was calming.

After a few moments later, we finally landed infront of the house. I got off carefully and thanked Phil for, Helping me I guess you could say, But there were much more words to describe how thankful I was.

Me and Phil both walked into the House, no one was at the house? Techno, Ghostbur, there were not to be seen. I guess they had things to do, which is understandable.

But there was a person there, I didn't know who they were but he had Brown long hair, Long as in long in the face where it covers his eyes, light tanned horns, a green jacket and a button up shirt underneath, and blue jeans.

He looked at me, Confused but curious, curious of who I was. I stared at him back, Taking a look at his appearance [NOT IN A SHIPPING WAY PLS PEOPLE].

Phil then looked at the both of us.

"Tommy, This is Tubbo, he wanted to come meet you!"

Tubbo? That seemed like a cool name. Tubbo did look nice as well, He looked like he could be chaotic at moments but is a very sweet person overall.

Maybe he would be my


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