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The flower pedals fall from the trees like pink snow. It makes the view on this hill so much prettier. The sun moves, making the sky pink, blue and purple. Staring at it, I can fall in relaxation, and I feel serene. The calming view is so amazing.

As I'm about to fall asleep, suddenly, my phone rings. I groan and lazily pick up my phone from the grass. I answer the phone forgetting to look at the caller ID.


"Have you forgotten about me?"

"I'm sorry mom! I'm coming home right now!"

"It's okay, I'm sure you are enjoying your time. I know you had a rough day today. I'll give you thirty minutes before coming home. I'm making dinner at 5:10 pm, okay dear?" My mom used her calm tone.

"Yes mom. I'll be there before you know it." I smiled knowing I have the best mom ever.

"Okay dear, I'm going to prepare the stuff I need to cook. Be safe okay? Remember that I love you, and we'll go through this, together."

"Ma'am yes ma'am!"

She laughs. "Okay dear, bye, love you!" I bid my goodbye and my love before hanging up.

I stare back at the view in front of me trying to forget what happened in school.

~At home~

"Mom! Are you there?" I closed the door and locked it.

"In the kitchen sweetie!"

"Mom. I told you not to wait for me when I'm not home in time." I put my spoon down in my rice and crossed my arms.

"Next time don't wait for me, okay? Promise?"

She grabbed my pinky and smiled at me mumbling a small promise with food in her mouth.

"What did you say? I didn't hear you!"

"I promise!" She yelped, while suddenly a piece of kimchi flew out her mouth.

I pulled my hand away from hers and covered my mouth as I laughed. My left hand held my stomach as I was laughing too hard.

"Next time, please swallow first." I stopped laughing and smiled at her.

"Yes, I surely will!" She wiped her mouth with a napkin and excused herself.

After I put the food away, I knocked and waited until I heard a small 'come in'. I slowly opened her door and closed it.

She was siting with her knees up and her head buried in between her legs.

"No thank you."

I then got up and sat right next to her on the other side. I hugged her very tightly as I felt her hug me back.

"Crying about dad again?" I sighed as she nodded. "I know it's hard to let go because you loved him so much, and you still do. I know you cry yourself at night because you miss him and his presence. I know you cry a little on your lunch break. Because you used to eat lunch with him when he was done with work." She looked up at me with her red puffy eyes and pouty lips.

"So how am I supposed to let go if everything I do..reminds me of f/n. On our first date, I was eating a cookie at a café with drinking my tea waiting for f/n. And your father came up to me and waved. I almost chocked and said hi. But when I did, I spit crushed up soggy cookie on his pants."

"I was apologizing and I stood up, but when I stood straight up, there he was. Standing so close to me. I was barely breathing and I stepped back. But he took me by surprised and kissed me. It all felt like a fantasy after that."

"You just need to let go of him and your pain. It was not your fault he had cancer. Nobody could have saved him."


"Come on, I wanna take you somewhere." I got out of the bed and went to her closet. I grabbed the box that was everything of my dad's and collected the few items that was his too.

"W-what are you doing? Where are we going?" She stood up and shivered.

I turned around to look at her. "Put on something warm, where I want to take you is cold." I smiled and turned back around.

"Oh! And wear sneakers, we are riding our bikes!" I then ran outside.

I got on the bike and looked back at her waiting for her to get on hers.

"Are you ready?" She nodded. "Let's go then!" I smiled and looked ahead to start biking.


"Now let's go to our last destination before it's pitch dark."

~At the beach~

I grabbed everything of dads and the wood that I left in my basket from earlier. I go in my pocket and lit it up with a match.

"Now, take dad's things and slowly put it in the fire." She dumped the box in the fire.

I dragged mom close to the water, but not too close, and yelled.

"Dad! I hope you can hear me! I wanted to just say, I LOVE YOU!"

"I hate you! Your such a jerk for leaving me here! But your an angel! For making sure I was okay when you was on your death bed! It should of been the other way around! Thank you! For coming in my life and leaving me..with this blessing!" She looked at the sky and smiled.

~At home~

My mom knocked on the door and came in after I sat down on my bed.

"Tonight was amazing and I feel refreshed. I hope tomorrow I wake up and feel brand new."

"We have a future for a reason. There was a past, there is a present, and theres gonna be a future. Now leave the past behind and move to the future." We said our good nights and she left.

I shut my lamp off and laid down. Tonight, I'm gonna sleep well knowing mom is not going to cry anymore.

I'm sorry if it's not that great!!🥺🥺But it's (hopefully) going to get better!!!! If you don't want a word count, I'll stop🤷‍♀️

Word count: 1028

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