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I sat up and checked the time. It's 7:45, oh ok I hav- WAIT 7:45!! School starts in fifteen minutes!!!

~After 7 minutes~

I ran to my school. I made it with three minutes to spare. I went to my locker and ran to my class. I took my seat in the back left corner by the windows. The bell ringed, indicating it's time for class. The teacher came inside and started teaching.

~After fourth period~

I left the class as it's time for lunch. Suddenly, someone pushed me onto the lockers.

"Where do you think your going? First, you sleep with my boyfriend, then you try to act like I'm not even here? I'm trying to save our friendship. But I guess I'm the only one trying." She pouts acting sad, so people give her sympathy.

I scoffed. "What friendship? I never slept with your boyfriend, I don't even know him or his name! We never had a friendship. I stupidly believed you were my friend, and that was my worst mistake." People started to crowd around us, gossiping.

'isn't that the slut' 'she's such a liar' 'poor Bianca, she had to be friends with her'. These were their comments, can't they mind their own business.

Bianca gasped. "How dare you! I was the one who got pulled into your trick! You became friends with me just to sleep with my boyfriend!" She got so mad that she slapped me really hard.

My head turned to the right as people gasped at Bianca's actions. I move my jaw side to side, turning my head to look back at Bianca. She hit me on the corner of my lips, and it got caught on her stupid rings. I wiped the blood from the corner of my lips with my hand and looked at it.

"So that's the game you wanna play? Then let's play."

I kicked her in the stomach, making her fall on her back and got on top of her. I punched her a couple times to the point she was weak. I then slapped her like she did to me.

Suddenly, she got angry and turned us around so she was on top of me. She tried to punch me but I grabbed her fist and punch her with my other hand. She grabbed my hair with her left hand, and digged her nails in my scalp. It hurt so bad that I let go of her fist.

I tilted my head slightly to the left and saw a teacher turning the corner. I smirked for a second and looked straight at Bianca. She was punching me in the face. It hurt so bad but I let her do it, the teacher finally saw us as she ran to us.

The teacher gasped. "Bianca! Stop it right now!" That was the last thing I heard before Bianca gave me one more punch and everything was black.

~After an hour~

"Hi honey, how are you? I was just about to take the ice bag off to give you a second to breathe. But I guess you beat me to it." She laughed as I smiled.

"I'm okay, my nose hurts really bad though."

"Is it broken?"

"Nope! It's sprained though. I put medicine and bandages to help it heal. The ice bag is for swelling and soreness."

"Also, I told your 5th and 6th period teachers that you need to stay here for the rest of the school day."

She sat at her desk and went on her computer. I sat up and looked at the nurse.

"Just so you know, I'm taking a nap so I'm going to close the curtain."

She nodded and I closed the curtain. I laid back down and put the ice bag on my nose. Then I closed my eyes drifting off to sleep.

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