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For awhile there was silence.

"I love you too Jungkook." I smiled whole-heartedly at the young boy.

He smiles back. "I'm going to wake up the others and let them know your awake." He goes to stand up, but I quickly grab his arm. He widened his eyes in shock of my action.


"Just stay here for one more moment. I want to show you how much I love you." I pulled him by his collar and kissed him.

He widened his eyes more but closes them as he slowly kisses me back. I break the kiss as I don't want it a long kiss. He pouts wanting it to last longer.

"Now let me show you how much I love you."

He grabs the back of my neck and kisses me. He gently bites my bottom lip, which makes me gasp, and takes it as an opportunity to slide his tongue in. He lifts his face to get off my lips, but he is still in the same position. He licks my lips before pulling away with a smirk.

"Now go wake them up, before I drop a house on you." I look away for the young boy to not see my blushing cheeks.

"Farewell ma'lady." He bows the same way a guy would bow to a queen. He leaves the living room, heading to the bedrooms.

"Quick, this can be my escape." I got up and quickly ran to the door.

"Hold it right there!" Someone quietly yelled, making me turn around. "Where do you think you're going?"

"TaeTae, please, I need to go home, it's an emergency." I begged, making it seem like I have to go home.

"Not until you show me what you and Jungkookie did." He smirked looking straight into my eyes.

I stood and thought about it, I looked at the hall of bedrooms and back to Taehyung.

"Fine, but make it quick." I snapped at him. He smiled being all giddy and ran to me.

I gave him a kiss the same as me and Jungkook's.

"Alright. You are free to go." He licked his lips as waved goodbye to me.

"Thanks." I managed to peep something out before I closed the door.

"Hey, Taehyung. Did you see where y/n went to?" I heard Jungkook through the door.

"I'm not sure, I came out to get a drink and I didn't see her."

"I'm going to see if she's outside." I hear footsteps coming closer.

"Wait! Put on shoes, and change your clothes first." I freaked as the door knob turns and slightly creaks open. Dang it, what do I do?

"Wait Jungkook! Don't go out!" I heard Taehyung in the background.

He looks side to side.

"Hmm? She's not outside?" Kookie whispers, but I heard him

"Alright alright. Stop yelling at me." He closes the door and locks it.

Ha, you didn't even see me hiding between you and your neighbor's house.

I quickly run to my house, it's far, but not that far. Four blocks away, how lucky am I? (Sarcasm.)

The sounds of the lock makes me feel more comforted than staying outside.

I'm going into my bed. Now that is my real boyfriend, my bed loves me, and I love it.


Seriously? I guess nap time has to wait.

I check through my peep hole on my door and see Jimin.

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