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~Yoongi's pov~

I can not move. She stops when she realized I wasn't walking with her.

"What?" She raises her brow. "I gave you an answer. Now where is mine?"

I just stared at her. To clear my thoughts, I shake my head and start walking again.

"Hey! Answer my question! Who do you like?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why not!"

"Because I said so..?" I shrugged.


She walks a little faster than me. I look at her and chuckle. Cute.

"Slow down! Your going to fast!"

I run up to her, but she only runs faster.

"That's the point!"

I chuckle as I run faster to keep up with her.

~(Y/n's pov) At home~

I sit down on my bed and look at the orange envelope. I trace my fingers over the words that pop up on the paper.

After I read it, I cried. I don't know why, but tears are streaming down my face. I can't believe this is happening to me. I finally felt free from my dad when he died. Then my mom just died. I finally find friends that care about me. Then I get this.

"When will this be over? I just want to live a normal life!" I cried as I flipped over on my bed.

~At school~

"Pst! Wake up! Y/n!" Someone was whisper shouting at me.

"Hmm? What do you want?" I open my eyes and see Yoongi.

"I want you to eat lunch. I know you didn't eat breakfast."


Suddenly, he is dragging me up and pulling me to the canteen.

The loud voices and deadly glares was the only thing going on here.

"Can't I just go home already? I'm really tired."

"Why are you so tired today? Did you not sleep?" Hoseok asked me worriedly.

"I did sleep. But it was really late."

"What time?" Jin raised his eye brow and crossed his arms.


They gasp.

"Why so late?" Taehyung turned to me as I was sitting next to him.


"Liar." Jimin glares at me.

"Mmm.." I start fiddling with my fingers.

"Guys, let's leave her alone. She is obviously tired, and asking her why might irritate her."

"Thank you Namjoon." He smiled at me. Aww, his dimples are so cute!!!

"Oh shut up Joon. Tell me why the hell you were up so late. Or early, I should say." Yoongi started to glare at me and Namjoon.

"I have some kind of financial issue. But it's okay, I'll figure it out."

"What kind of financial issue? I can help you with whatever it is." I can't tell the expression on Yoongi's face.

"I don't want help thank you. I'll figure it out in my own."

He shakes his head and looks down.

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