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Everyone was looking at me as Namjoon sat down..

"Oh. So you remember me now?"

I did a sarcastic smirk. Then I looked dead straight in his eyes.

"I'm surprised you didn't forget me the second you left me." He softens his eyes.

"I could never forget something like that."

I scoffed and crossed my arms. "You could be an actor, you're very good at it."

Someone coughed, breaking the tension between me and Joon. "What is going on?" Jin asked.

"Good question. What is going on Namjoon?" I raised a brow.

"Um.....this isn't the first time me and y/n meet."

"Well, no duh! But what happened? How do you two know each other?" Jimin leaned forward with curious eyes.

"Um...we met at a café. I was buying a coffee and I saw this keychain on her jean belt loop. I went over to her and asked her where she got it before I left."

"And...?" Jimin asked bored.

"And..I couldn't stop thinking about her. Before I was about to cross the road, I realized something. She was in front of me! I was shocked. I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought I was dream-"

"Get to the point!" Jin yelled.

"Alright, alright! As people started walking, some guy on a bike bumped into me. And that made me dump my coffee down her back."

They all gasped and shake their head, except for Yoongi.

"I felt so bad. It wasn't hot, but it was still very warm. She turned around like she was about to cut my head off. But when she saw it was me, she calmed down, still mad though. She asked me why I did that. Then, I told her the truth and she smiled."

"She asked me for a pen, I was so confused, but I gave her a pen. She wrote down a number on my cup. Then she said, "In years, this is the first time I really enjoyed talking to someone. Call me if you want someone to talk to." And then she walked away."

"Then what happened?" Tae looked like a puppy with those big eyes.

"Then...I never called her."

They all groan and I laugh at them. Some of them even face palmed.

"I was too nervous to call her! Anyways, after a couple of months, I finally called her. (They cheered.) When she picked up, she first asked who I am. But when I told her, she yelled at me. "Oh, now you call me? I was waiting for your call, but you never called! I thought you were different." I was about to apologize and tell her why, but...she hanged up."

They all laughed...except Yoongi, you can tell he doesn't care at all.

"I kept trying to call her, but after a while, she blocked me."

I shook my head but, he didn't see it. He stood up and went in front of me.

"Y/n." Namjoon held both of my hands. "I hope you can forgive me for making you wait."

"I already forgave you."

"Really?" I nodded. "Thank you so much!" He smiled and he hugged me.

"This is only the second time I'm seeing and meeting you. And you are already hugging me?"

He got off me. "Oh, sorry." He mumbled.

"No no, I don't care, in fact, you're very warm. I'm just shocked that you would want to."

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