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I stopped running to them and just started walking, I don't want to look breathless, since I see their van.

"Y/n!" I hear Jimin say.

I look directly at the van, and see them all waiting outside the van in a line. As fast as they could, they all start running to me. I do the same and laugh. There is still a great distance, but there won't be in a second.

I was going to hug whoever was in front of me. I smiled when I slowed my pace and ran into Yoongi's arms. One by one, we formed a big group hug.

"I missed you guys so much." I started crying. "You guys wouldn't believe it." They were hugging even tighter. I can tell because I feel suffocated.

"As much as I love this, I'm losing oxygen. It doesn't need to be so tight of a hug when there are seven of you." I said giggling.

"Sorry." I think that was Jungkook, not sure, but they let go of the hug.

"How about we go home?" Jin asked sincerely. "I'll cook you a feast! I'm sure you're starving."

I nodded. "I really am. I also could use ....." They look at each other, than at me. They are confused by my muffles.

"What? What was that? You mumbled half your sentence." Hobi exclaimed using his hands.

"I said....I also could use...some cuddles on the way home.." I said it in a quiet, but clear voice.

I saw Jungkook, Jimin, and Namjoon smiling super wide at me. While the others, besides the driver, (Jin), looked away shyly. Jin stood there with a frown.

"Jinnie? What's wrong?" They all looked at him.

"Since I have to drive, I can't cuddle you too." He said looking at me with a pout.

I took a second to make it look like I was thinking. "Alright, how about this, we can do it as soon as we get out the van. Okay bae?"

Jin looked straight at me with his widened eyes, after I said bae. I couldn't see the others reaction because I was already in the van.

I look outside the van to see them all wide eyed, looking at me. "Do I have something on my face?" They shook their heads. "Then come on before I jump in the drivers seat and leave you all here." They came running.

"I call dibs on sitting next to y/n!" TaeTae called out. I giggled as he walked over me and sat on the window seat.

"Me too! You two, push over!" Hobi said.

"But I wanted the window seat!" TaeTae whined.

"It's either y/n or the window, choose." Hobi said with a smirk.

"Y/n of course, I wouldn't give her up for anything....." Hobi looked at him with a 'are you sure about that' look as he sat down. "Except Panda Express. I don't think I can pass it up for anybody." He slowly turned his head to look at me, with a cheeky smile on his face.

I frowned and crossed my arms. "I'll remember that." I teased him.

He frowned. I looked over to see the presence that is next to me. I didn't realize the person was there for some time. I saw jungkook smiling big at me.

I laid my head on his shoulder as Taehyung wrapped his arms around my waist. The driver's door closed and Jin started the engine.

"You know.." I said in a deep and low voice. "I have to thank you Jungkook." I look up at him and he looks down at me.

"Why?" He says with a eye brow raised.

"Because without you bumping into me, and being so nice to me, I wouldn't have met the loves of my life. And I also wouldn't have the courage to sell my house and move into someone else's house." I looked back down seeing Jungkook's wide eyes. Then suddenly, the car came to a sudden halt.

"Oof!" I heard Namjoon fall off the seat. "Give a warning if you're going to break like that!" Namjoon yelled from the back.

"Sorry, but not sorry. It was not my fault! You should be wearing a seat belt! Even if you are in the back, you can still get dangerously hurt if I came into an accident!"

I was amazed. I've never heard Jin talk so fast like that to anybody. Why isn't he a rapper?

"But wait wait wait! Y/n, what do you mean by selling your house? Where are you moving too??" He asked worriedly.

"I know I should've talked with you guys more about it. But I know how much you guys wanted me to move in so.... I finally sold my house." I smiled thinking about it.

"The day Jin came over, and the day I got kidnapped. I went to my room to secretly pack my stuff. I've been practically living at your house anyways." They all murmured in agreement.

"Now you got a new roommate!.....yay." I said yay in a bored tone since no one seemed excited.

I looked up at Jungkook to see him frozen, looking at the road in front of him, while blooming a smile slowly.

"YES!! YOU'RE FINALLY GOING TO LIVE WITH US!!!" He screamed looking at me.

"My poor ears!" I covered my ears and pretended they hurt.

"Sorry baby." I looked at him shocked.

"What?" He said innocently and confused.

I smiled. "It gave me a fluttery feeling just like when Jimin first called me that." He frowned.

"Someone said it before me?" He pouted cutely.

I pecked his lips. "You're a little late to think you could be first." I smiled as well as him.

"We're home! Everyone can unwind while I cook a meal." Jin said getting out the car.

Everyone got out the car but I stayed in last. Yoongi was about to get out the van but he looked back at me.

"Aren't you coming?" I nodded.

"I was waiting for you guys since I've made you guys wait for me." He smiled and nodded.

He jumped out and I left after him, since he was last. Jin closed the door and locked the car.

"Jinnie?" He hummed looking at me. "Can you carry me? I'm tired, plus, I want to give you those cuddles now." I said shyly.

I was expecting him to either say no or walk away. But what he did next surprised me. He picked me up by my hips, as I wrap my arms and legs around him.

"What? You didn't think I would agree?" He smiled, I nodded as I laid on his shoulder.

"Of course I would. You're my girlfriend, not a stranger. I would keep my arms open for you even if you were on the other side of the world."

I smiled. "Thank you." He stopped walking.

"For what?" I took my head off his shoulder.

"For not leaving me. All of you, but I thank you the most since you put the effort to look for me. You called the police and everything, just because of me. I knew then, that you guys are the right ones." He continued walking while smiling.

"Thank you too." I give him a weird look before he finishes. "For staying strong and waiting to jump in our arms." He smiles.

"You do know,...it wasn't a choice or an option, right?"

"No. But then, what was it?" He put me down in front of the couch and looked me in my eyes.

"It was a decision that was already made in my heart, the second I came in here." He smiled as I smiled back at him.

"I guess..your heart chose right." He shrugged looking away.

I raise a brow before he looks back at me with a silly smile and hug me. The boys, they were sitting on the couch the whole time, came and made a group hug.

Having more than one lover wasn't in my agenda for my future. However, now that I've experienced it, I can't see my future any different. I only see my life with more chaos and joy, but it will be worth it to be able to wake up and see them everyday.

This is the end. TwT
As much as I'm happy since I don't like it, I'm sad because it took so long to write. It some times felt like it was my life when I wrote it, it was kind of weird.

Hope you enjoyed it <3

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