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"What...?" Yoongi had his mouth hanging open.

"What? I didn't say anything."

"No, what did you say?" Jungkook was glaring into my soul.


"..Can we just go in the water now?"

I go to pass Jungkook and go into the ocean, but he stops me.

"Let it go Jungkook." Jin said, blood rising to the cheeks of the owner with his head turned.

Me, including the four boys that wasn't swimming, ran to the ocean. We splashed each other, and did chicken fight, and swimming races.

~After the beach~

"Jimin, I'm ready to go home." I whined pulling his arm.

"Our house, or your house?"

"It doesn't matter Jimin. Just pick one and let's go."

He gives me a questionable look as I keep tugging at his arm.


"Let's gooooo!" I whined as I started dragging the small boy by his arm.

"Your house it is then!"

~At home~

"Mmmm..I love hot chocolate. It's the best all season long." I nodded at his remark.

"You're so right, my favorite is peppermint!"

"Oh, that sounds so good." He puts the mug in his lap as I put my mug on the table.

"I got something serious to say." I looked at him with my serious face.

"Alright, go ahead." He took a big sip and put his mug on the table.

"You guys are my secret admirers." He spit the warm chocolate drink all over my floor

"And you'll also be cleaning that."

"What makes you say that?" The boy stood up to clean the mess, but stumble due to shock.

"I notice how the way each of you wrote your cards were different." He smirked. "I also notice the way you all talk is similar to how you all wrote them. Am I correct?"

As if this is something to think about, he sits down, staring off to space before looking at me with his smirk. "Will this answer you?"

He quickly puts his right hand on the back of my head and push me really close to him. I stay still looking into his teasing and sparkling brown eyes. Suddenly, he smashes his plump lips on mine. It was a sweet and passionate kiss, until someone barged into the room.

"Hey guys, we got-"

"Jimin! Get off her!" Yoongi came to us angerly, only to welcome Jimin to the floor.

"What the hell?" Jimin sits up and glared at Yoongi.

"Remember when we said to not-"

"Shut up! She doesn't know." Jungkook said looking back and forth between me and Yoongi.

I sassily pick up my mug and cross my legs as a smirk forms on my face.

"Know what? That you're all my secret admirers?" I said taking a sip looking innocent.

"What? You know that it's us?" J-hope shouted rather loudly.

"No, I'm lying and it's all in your imagination." He rolled his eyes and sat down.

"So....it might be early but, what is your answer?" Namjoon asked shyly.

"Answer? Answer to what?" I act clueless.

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