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~Y/n's pov~

"Um..." I cut myself off as I drop pizza sauce on my shirt. Purposely.

I lock the door and take my shirt off.

Thankfully it came out. I purposely soaked my whole shirt so I could have more time to stall.

I open the door a bit. "Everyone stay in the living room and close your eyes." I open the door more.

"And no peeking." I heard snickering. "Especially you, Kookie." I heard him gasp as the others giggle.

I ran in my room and slammed the door shut.
Then, I quickly picked an old t-shirt and jumped on my bed.

Why not get a little rest before I see them again. I wish I didn't have to ever face them.

"Y/n? Can I come in?"

Ugh! No, come back tomorrow.

"Come in!" I mumble under my pillow.

I lifted my head completely up and rest my head on my arms.

"Can we play a game? Just us. They are really boring." He pouts.

I giggle and pinch his cheeks. "Sure!" He blushes and looks down. Cute.


"I call dibs on sleeping with y/n!" Hobi shouted as he jumped out of his seat and ran behind me.

"I call dibs on y/n's bed too!" Jimin shouted, following Hobi.

"I'll sleep on the couch." Yoongi volunteered.

I showed the other members my mother's room and left to go to my room.

"Your room is so cute!" Hobi squealed.

"I love your room!" Jimin said with a wide mouth in the shape of an 'O'.

"Thanks guys. My bathroom is over there. I'm already ready, so you guys can go." They nodded.

I made sure my front door and my bedroom door was locked. Then I locked my windows.

For some reason. Ever since my dad left, I always felt he would break in and snatch me away.

I shut my light off and laid down. Then I hear the bathroom door open.

"You guys finished together?" They nodded.

I shrugged my shoulders and laid back down. I felt Hobi lay down on my right, facing my back. And Jimin on my left, facing me.

I let them both cuddle me as I drifted to sleep.


I woke up and saw Jimin and Hobi gone. I panicked when I saw my window opened. I look at my door and see it wide open. I jump out of bed and ran to the living room.

"Are you okay y/n? What's wrong?" Jin asked as he was placing food on their plates.

"Nothing. I saw my window and my door open. So I thought someone kidnapped Hoseok and Jimin."

"Awww, you were worried about us being kidnapped!" Hobi said as he got up and ran to give me a big bear hug. Jimin sat up and joined me and Hobi.

"Yea yea, I'm hungry." I said as I try to wiggle out of their grip.

"Stop trying to wiggle away! Let me hug you!" Jimin said pouting.

~After school~

"Why do I have so many admirers?" I ask holding seven cards signed by my 'secret admirer'.

I felt someone lean their arm on my shoulder.

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