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"1 rule, no snoring." He says as he turns the light off and lays beside me.

His back faces the door as he looks at me. I can't help, but to start a staring contest. But it ends as he closes his eyes.

I caress the top of his head. I do it as a thank you, for letting me sleep here. I felt him get tense for like a second, but it disappears instantly.

I close my eyes and stop, leaving my arm in his neck. Suddenly, I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I gasp at first and relax after, inhaling his scent.

"What are you doing to me?"

That was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

~Next morning~

I wake up and see I'm still in Yoongi's embrace. I want to hug him back, but I don't want to wake him up.

I hear sudden sounds of banging and the words, breakfast is ready. It seemed to wake Yoongi up. I quickly close my eyes as I feel him stare at me.

"Why do you have such an affect on me? Why do I want to get close with you?"

I still can feel him staring at me. I quickly tighten my grip on his neck and get closer to him. He starts to chuckle.

"Maybe I'm not the only one that feels this way."

I feel him move away. Then the bed squeaks, indicating he got off. I heard him leave and shut the door.

I open my eyes and release my breath that I didn't know I was holding back.

"Did that really just happen?" I ask myself.

I get up and leave the room. I sit down in between Yoongi and Jimin. They are the only seats available.



"I'm going to leave now, I need to change."

"You can just burrow one of our clothes!" Hobi says standing up.

"Oh no, it's fine. I should probably shower too."

"We have seven bathrooms. You can do it here." Jimin stood up as well.

"Ugh fine, can someone help me then?"

"I'll help you, come on."  Yoongi said as he looks at the floor.

He quickly walks away to his room. I quickly stood up and followed him. He gets a black shirt and a black pair of pants.

"Here." He throws the clothes to me. "The bathroom is over there." He says as he sits on his bed.

"Okay, thank you." I walk towards his bathroom and then stop.

Should I tell him?

No. Yes. No. Yes.

I'll tell him. I have a feeling that I should keep my mouth shut. But I never listen to myself.

"I was awake, earlier."

He seems dumbfounded by my words.


"And maybe you're right, you might not be the only one feeling this way."

I quickly jump in the bathroom before he can respond. I'm too scared to hear what he has to say.

~After shower~

I slightly crack the door to see if Yoongi is still there. And of course, he is still here. I quickly and quietly try to shut the door. But it gets stopped by a hand.

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