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Jimin already left. I think I-


I swear to god doorbell-


Ugh, stop interrupting me!

I open my door and see Jin.

He hugs me very tightly. "I'm so glad to see you, why did you leave yesterday? I could of made you breakfast!"

"I wanted to be home, being in your home wasn't exactly comfortable with the situation that was going on."

"Did you make up with him?"

I flashed back to my kiss with Jeon yesterday.

"Yea I did." I blushed.

"Ooo, someone is blushing!" He giggled.

"Come inside! It's cold today."

He walks in and plopped on my couch. I sit next to him.

"I'm glad you are not like the others."

"What do you mean y/n?"

"I mean....they keep kissing me and stuff. I don't like it. Even Jimin! Last night, he kissed me before we fell asleep! I wished I slapped him."

He laughs hearing me complain about his friend's affection towards me.

"When you're not at our house. Jimin talks so much about you. 'I miss her.' 'Why is she so pretty?' 'Why can't she live here?' He goes on and on!"

"Wow." I laugh as loud as possible. "I'm kind of surprised."

"Nah, he is just like that. Oh yea, sometimes Yoongi joins in."



"Yep. He said just earlier today, 'What if I kidnap y/n. She stole my heart after all. How dare she?' "

I stare at him in amazement.

"But don't tell him that, he doesn't know I know. I don't even think the others heard him say that."

"Wow....now that was unexpected."

"Yep. 'Why isn't y/n here yet?' 'Can she come for dinner hyung?' 'Why do I like her so much hyung?' 'I want to keep her in my pocket.' "

"I want to keep her in my pocket?" I look at him confused.

"Yes. He said it really quietly, but I made him say it loud enough for all of us to hear. You should of seen his face!" He does this laugh that sounds like a window being cleaned.

"Was he blushing?"

"Yea!" He stopped laughing. "Wait, How did you know?"

"I would be too.... it's a natural reaction." Jin just smiled at me.

"I'm going to go change upstairs really quick, you mind?" I asked Jin.

"Nope, take your time." He smiled sweetly.

I nodded and walked upstairs. With every thumping step I took, it only counted the amount of thoughts I've had about my dad. The man abused me and left. What if he's dead?

The sunlight of my windows brightened my thoughts. I closed the shades as I didn't notice the windows were unlock. I get a pair of clothes and start changing. I hear the sound of my window moving but, when I look back at it, it's the same way. I turn back around and continue changing.

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