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~Y/n's pov~

It has been three weeks since I've been missing. I know Jin got police involved, and I'm sure all of them know.

I miss my babies. They may practicality be grown men, but they're my baby's.

"Soup and crackers?"

I look at the metal rusted door in front of me. Some of the bolt are so rusted, they started to disintegrate. The metal of the door is half rust, one fourth metal, one fourth mold. I look up higher and see the rectangular peep hole. Two little eyes are peeking through.

"No." The man scoffed.

"That's fine, just starve then." The man went to close the peep hole.

"Wait!" He stoped and opened it again.


"Can I have some water?"

"Either you take the soup and crackers, or no water." I frowned.

"Fine. I'll take it." I know he is smirking.

He opened the metal dog door thing at the bottom and he slides the food on the floor.

"My water too please?" He sighed.

"Here." He rolled it from the small door and closed it.

"Eat it, or no water next time." He closed the peep hole.

Some may say, oh, he is being very nice, why are you being so mean?

He's not nice, he's just being nice. It's not a regular thing. I treat him better than what he treats me. Sigh...will they ever find me?

~Yoongi's pov~

"It's all my fault. If I was nicer to her, she might of wanted to stay here. And we wouldn't have to do sleepovers, we could just sleep..together, like her switching rooms. But now, because of it, she is gone. I should have been nicer."

I looked at Jimin. Who was still on his second cup of alcohol. My eyes are watery. "Why do I feel so..droonk."

"Hyung, that is because you finished a bottle and a quarter of wine. Never knew you liked wine, but that's not the issue here."

I shrugged. "I actually hate wine, but I hate myself way more right now." I looked down at my lap. "So if I have something I hate, I can only think about the horrible taste, and not my terrible self."

"For someone who is terribly drunk, you speak very clearly."

"Maybe I if drank more, I'll sound much more like a droonk." I smiled at Jimin and he smiled at me.

I was about to take the open wine bottle, but Jimin snatched it away.

"No no, you sound plenty drunk now. Not only that, if you have so much as one more sip, you might have to go to the hospital for drinking that much." He giggled.

I laughed and fell on my back. Im already on my bedroom floor, but it still hurt a little.

So I just laid there.

"Jimin, help me up." Jimin laughs and shakes his head.

"Alright wait here, I'll get muscle pig to help you up." Jimin stood up and leftthe room.

I can hold my alcohol pretty good. But I stopped drinking a year ago, since I felt like I was drinking a lot. But since y/n has been missing, I have been drinking every three nights.

Jimin comes back in with Jungkook.

"Hey Yoongi hyung. Do you want to come up here with me?" He said putting his hands down to his knees, putting his upper weight on his knees.

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