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~Yoongi's pov~

He wants to know something and he is using this game to get it out of me.

"Sure! It's my favorite game!" Y/n claps her hands and goes to get a bottle.

I get close to him and whisper in his ear.

"I know what game your playing. Don't. Test my limits Park."

I back away and keep a cold look on my face as I stared at y/n. I can tell he is smirking at me.

"I thought about something." She sits back down between me and Jimin. "How about we start with the oldest?" They all nod.

"Fine, let's start already." I lean forward and spin the bottle.

"I don't remember you being the oldest! That's me!" Jin says as he sits down in front of me.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and it lands on Hobi.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" He yelled.

"Okay....I dare you to lick the floor." I smirked.

"Ewwwww no way!"

"I just washed the floors today. But I wouldn't lick them either." They laugh.

"Tick tock. You have 1 minute to do it." He glared at me and leans towards the floor. I stretch my body to see him lick the wooden floor.

"Ewwww! You're nasty Hobi!" Jungkook moved away from Hobi.

"Trust me, it's taste like soap." Y/n chuckled. "....and lemon." We all laugh.

Hobi spins the bottle and it lands on Jin.

"Truth." He said before Hobi could ask.

"Humph. Okay then. Was it you who broke my new sunglasses?"

Jin gulped. "Maybe...?" He smiles very awkwardly.

Hobi glares at him, as Jin spins the bottle.

It lands on y/n.

"Truth or dare?"


"Take off one piece of your clothing!" Jungkook shouted from the other side of the room.

Taehyung smacked the back of his head.


"You deserved it! She's not doing that." I said glaring at him.

"No no, I'll do it." We all look at y/n.

She stands up and goes to take her pants down.

"NO! STOP! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" I yell at her. I closed my eyes and held her wrists.

"Can you just trust me? You won't see anything new."

I slowly let go, I opened an eye to watch her secretly.

She pulled down her pants to reveal a pair of shorts.

"Why are you wearing shorts underneath your pants?" Jungkook asked her.

"I got cold." She gave him a bored look.

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