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~Jiminie's pov~

She takes out all her admirer cards and stare deeply at them.

What if she finds out who it is? I know who her admirers are. I don't want her to know though, they don't want her to know.

"Ready Jiminie?" Her pretty light blue eyes turn to me. "You look nervous. Are you okay?" No...I am not okay.

"Yes, let's start?" She lays each card side by side.

"Don't the hand writings look different, but so familiar?" I start feeling sweat dripping down my forehead. "Is it just me?"

"N-no. I think t-the same way." Why the hell am I stuttering?

"Wow, this one looks like you wrote it." She starts laughing her lungs out.

"W-which o-one?" Did she figure it out?

"This one, Dear y/n, I want to see you in my arms everyday. Hug you, kiss you, and laugh with you. I love your smile. It's brighter than Hoseok's smile, sorry the sun's smile. Everything about you drives me crazy."

Thoughts start flooding my mind. Why did I write Hoseok's name? I'm so dumb!

"Wait a minute. Why didn't I see this earlier? Hoseok's smile? It must be someone close to Hobi, they called him the sun. Only a few people are close to him to call him that."

"Yea.." Wait a minute.. "How do you know that?"

She giggled so cutely. "If you haven't realized, I observe people very well. I see you guys sometimes refer Hobi as the sun. And because of his brightly 'sun' energy, other friends of his refer him as the sun, but not all."

My mind is blown. "Woah...." I love that observant side of her.

"So who do you think it is y/n?" Please do not say me.

"Someone in this house, I have a very deep feeling about it." Yea, and the person is right in front of you.

As if she read my mind, she looked at me deeply confused.

"Do you think it's Jungkook?" I-seriously?

"I don't know. Why would you think it's him anyways?"

"Because he always tells me how much he likes my smile. And he always calls Hobi, sunboy."

"Yea? And so what if I do?" I jumped hearing the voice creep up behind me.

"No no, I'm not saying anything bad Kookie. I keep telling Jimin you call him that, but he argues with me saying you call him sunnyboy."

Jungkook looks at me with a so done face. He knows what we are doing, but he has to play along.

"Seriously, Jimin? We've been friends for like 7-8 years, and you don't know my nickname for Hobi?!" He looks like someone drained his energy as a tear sheds down his cheek.

I can't stop rolling my eyes at his dramaticness.

"Whatever. I wanna be alone right now." He then runs off to his room.

"Wait Kookie!" He already left and slammed his door. "Look at what you did Jimin!" I raised my brows. What did I do exactly?

"Okay he's gone." Her soft, low, raspy voice is so addicting. I want to hear it all day.

"O-okay, so, what now?" She rolls her eyes and smacks the back of my head. "Ow!"

"Did that knock some sense into your head?" I pouted. "We need to find clues on who wrote this card. And the others too."

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