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~Kookie's pov~

People say I look like a bunny when I smile big. I saw a few tears pour down her soft cheeks earlier. So I smiled to make her smile.

"I'm y/n."  She looked in my eyes.

"Nice to meet you y/n, if you're not busy, would you like to eat with me?"

Her eyes looked like she was fighting with herself. "Sure."

She scrunched her nose and looked straight ahead. I think my heart skipped a beat. What is this feeling in my stomach? Am I that hungry?

We stopped jogging when we were in front of the convenience store named 7 eleven.

I forgot to ask her what flavor she liked. So I grabbed two different ramen bowls. I got two drinks from the fridge and pay for it all at the counter.

After I came out, I put the bag on the table in front of her.

"I need to go to the store right over here. Pick whichever ramen you want, and the Pepsi is for you."

~Y/n's pov~

I take out all the food and drinks and stare at them. It reminds me of the many times my mom took me out to eat ramen and strawberry milk with her.

A tear falls from my eye. I stare at the strawberry milk that's in front of me. Now I understand how she felt about dad. It hurts so bad.

I mixed my food and took a sip of the Pepsi. I take a bite and drop my utensils in my bowl. It taste just like the soup she would make when I'm sick.

~Kookie's pov~

I came to our table and saw y/n looking down. I tilted my head to look at her. "What's wrong?" She didn't answer. "Y/n?" I was getting nervous.

Suddenly she moved her head up and stared at my drinks on the table. "Do you like spicy soup and strawberry milk?"

"Yes I do. Well, I like banana milk better, but the strawberry milk looked so good, so I got one. I'm sorry, did you want one?"

She shook her head still looking at the milks like she's in a daze. "It just reminds me of someone." She then begins to eat her food.

I sat down in front of her, putting the bag down and giving  her the balloon. She puts her utensils down. She looks at me, then at the yellow balloon in the sky.

I got Jimin's favorite balloon color, since I don't know her favorite color. So I hope she likes it and she will smile.

She grabbed the balloon. "Thanks." Then she tied it to the table and finished eating.

I smiled and made my ramen. I took a big bite really fast, forgetting its hot, and immediately spit it in my bowl.

"Ow ow ow! I think I killed my tongue." I stick my tongue out and fan it.

She chuckled a little at my reaction, making me slightly smile. She suddenly went into the store and came back with a small cup of ice. She dumps one in my soup.

"The ice cools it down faster." She sat back down and took a sip of her Pepsi.

I just stared at her. I feel my checks getting hot. I took a sip of the strawberry milk. It feels so good, its numbing the burning sensation from the soup.

"What are you staring at?"

I accidentally choked and looked away from her. I put the milk down and glare at it. I guess strawberry milk still hates me.

"This store makes their flavored milk a little thick, it's not the best to drink with ramen."

Thankfully, she passed me her soda and I took a sip. After I gave it back, I gave her a thumbs up and she rolled her eyes.

"I gotta go, bye, thanks for the meal." She stood up.

"Wait! Where are you going now?"

"To play basketball, why?"

"Im meeting someone there, want to wait and I'll walk you there?"

"Sure, let me go get my ball."

Before I could say something, she crossed the road to the house across from us. I guess that's where she lives.

~After eating~

I throw away our trash and start walking to the court with her.



"Throwing my trash away."

"Oh, no problem. I usually leave it there, but I felt like being nice today."

"Cool." She starts running, so she reached the court first.

"Hey, wait up!" I ran after her as my bag of stuff kept hitting my leg.

After I finally catch up to her, I see him playing basketball. But he stopped once he saw me. He put his ball under his left arm and walked to me.

"Hey Koo! Your finally here, did you get lost?"

"No, I was eating with her." I pointed at y/n playing at the other end of the court and smiled.

"Why was you eating with a girl? Never mind the fact that she's a stranger." I shrugged my shoulders.

"But I thought you were scared of girls?"

"Shh! Yoongi, keep your voice down. I don't want her to hear us." He rolled his eyes

"Whatever. Am I going to beat you or am I playing by myself again?"

"Let's go." I pushed the ball out of his hold and dribbled it until I made my shot. Score!

~Y/n's pov~

I stopped playing and watched them play. I think jungkook's friend, with the two colors in his hair, is named Yoongi. He's really good at basketball. Jungkook is good too, but Yoongi is a smidge better.

"Mind if I join you two?" They stopped and looked at me.

"I'm fine with that, what about you?"

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders. He had the ball in the front of him and held it on both sides. He quickly threw it to me. I quickly caught it with both hands.

I heard Yoongi talk to Jungkook. "Make sure to get her number after if you wanna keep her." I scoffed. What's that suppose to mean?

"Come here if you're gonna play, we don't have all day." I rolled my eyes at Yoongi.

I walk towards the hoop they are at. I pick up the ball and turn around to face them. But I didn't realize that Jungkook is so close. Our noses almost touch.

I pushed his chest with my left hand and walk away. "Learn personal space."

I heard Yoongi quietly snickering.

"I'm sorry, did I say something funny?" I raised a brow at Yoongi.

"Yea? But It's for me to know and me only."

"Then keep it to yourself."

~After 2 hours~

I jumped over them and did a slam dunk. I smiled and looked at the sky. I did it mom. I did a slam dunk.

I felt a gentle tug on my right foot as I jump down. I stared right into Yoongi's shining eyes. They looked so pretty and so deep, I could fall into them and never find my way out.

"Good job." He then turned his face to hide his blushing cheeks. "I mean...your good cause you're tall." He turns around to continue playing.

"Thank you..Yoongi." He stopped and froze.

Idk why but I don't like this chapter. Hopefully the next one will be better and have more scenes than details.

Word count: 1239

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