•••The Heist Pt.2•••

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Mack's POV

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Mack's POV

We're back at the shack thing we were taken back to after the crew decided to abduct us. And Sarah just got off the phone with her little sister, who said she could get into Ward's computer and see his schedule.

Just then we hear the phone Sarah has ding as she receives a message.

"We're on." Sarah smirks, messaging Wheezie back.

"Okay. I guess we're doing this. I mean, armed robbery. I mean, I'm cool with it, but are you sure?" John B asked, looking between Sarah and I.

"I'm sure." I nodded.

"My entire life, Ward has always gotten what he's wanted. Everyone jumps for him. And I thought it was respect, but now I realize that's fear.
And, John B... you know the one person who never jumped for him was your dad. He wasn't like anyone I had ever met because he wasn't scared of my dad." Sarah went over and sat in front of John B to try and make him feel better about the situation.

"Hey Sarah, not to make this about me or anything... but did you know my dad by any chance? Al Bridges? He owned an antique shop." I asked my voice just above a whisper as I look down to my feet.

"I think I vaguely remember Ward talking about an Al to his other friends but I'm not 100% positive it was your dad." Sarah looked at me, a sorry expression cast over her face.

"Those "other friends" were probably the ones who were sent to kill him..." I thought to myself, my face contorting in one filled with disgust.

"But I do know that this is for him, and your dad John B, and Sheriff Pete, and the three of us." Sarah looked between John B and I, the two of us nodding back at her.


Terrance had set up a laptop on a rickety coffee table so they could display a map of Nassau.

"The gold is here at my dad's house. He's going to transport the gold from our house to a private air freight company located here." Sarah started pointing out the different areas on the map as she goes along.

"We need to intercept that gold before it ever gets on that plane." Sarah continues.

"Right. There're only two roads that'll take you there. We want to get him in these cane fields right here, south of the airport. That's where we spring the trap." Terrance explained, also pointing out where everything will go down on the computerized map.

"Now, you, Mackenzie, and Sarah will be dumped off right here. Then right there, where those tree lines are, they're gonna come from that direction. Once Cleo and I get daddy on the ground, you and the girls can take the gold." Terrance explained to John B.

"So, all we need now is some kind of distraction, like a detour." I piped up, looking around the room.

"I can help with that." Cleo raised her hand and smirked.

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