•••My Druthers Pt.1•••

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Mack's POV

A sliver of light shines right across my face, pulling me out of my restless sleep. As I rub the sleep from my eyes I hear my cell door creak open.

"Good morning sunshine. Time to go." The woman waved me over, told me to turn around and placed a pair of cold, shiny handcuffs on my wrists.

"Where are we going?" I asked her as I farted my eyes to each cell as we got closer and closer to the front of the building.

To that I got no response.

I was then brought into an office of some kind and John B showed up not so far behind me. We give each other a worried glance. Both of us thinking the same thing, 'what in the world is going on?'

"Mr. Routledge. Ms. Bridges... have a seat." The man in the chair instructed us, two officers then took our handcuffs off and motioned to the two chairs that were set up in front of the desk.

"Sheriff Department's gonna need a statement from you. You can have a lawyer present if you want to." The man stated as he passed us both an envelope with our mugshots and information inside.

"I don't... I don't—" John B stuttered.

"Charges have been dropped. You're free to go." The man answered the question we had all be mentally asking.

"Holy shit—" I gasped, covering my mouth and looking at the man in the chair with wide eyes.

"When you give your statement, be prepared to tell everything you know about Rafe and Ward Cameron." The man continued, ignoring my comment.

"Rafe and Ward?" John B repeated.

"Well, what you waiting on? Get on home." The man motioned his head towards the door.

"Yes, sir. Yep." John B and I said in unison and we both got up and out of our seats.

Thomas had stopped us both in the doorway, handing us a bag of the clothes we came in to change back into.

"One more thing." The man glanced to the two of us.

After we had a chance to change, Thomas brought us out front to where the Twinkie stood in all her glory.

"She isn't exactly street legal, so make sure you get her home safely." The man said as he passed John B the keys.

"You talking about me or the van there Thomas?" I chuckled at my own joke, John B sending me a look that told me 'we just got out of jail, you are begging to be put back in' but I saw Thomas' lip twitch up into somewhat of a smirk.

"Let's go." John B whispered, putting a hand on my lower back, leading me to The Twinkie.

We both hopped in, John B in the driver's seat and I in the passenger's seat. I glanced all around from the broken windshield to the hula dancer on the dash. John B and I looked at each other with the widest grins I've haven't seen us wear in a while.

"I'm back, old girl." John B sighs as he stares at the steering wheel.

"Heck yeah!" I shouted.

"Later, Thomas!" John B threw up a peace sign at the officer as he pulled away from the jail and off down the road.

As we drove we just took in the sights. Enjoying all the little things that we once took for granted or just saw as beaten down shit that we always drive by. It now had a new meaning, freedom, and this drive, though it wasn't long or in a limousine, made me love the life I get to live everyday even more.

"Hey, John B! Is that Ms.Mackenzie in there too?" A man shouted from his boat to our left.

We drove into town to see everyone smiling and waving.

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