•••My Druthers Pt.5•••

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3rd Person POV

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3rd Person POV

The Pogues had just watched Limbrey and her side kick walk away with what they thought was the key to some cross she wanted to get to.

"How long do you think we have until she realizes she has your father's old key?" JJ asks John B.

"Ten minutes." John B answered quickly.

Pope then turns around when the coast is clear and throws his hands up in shock, "Whose idea was the fake key?"

"Shockingly, not mine." Kiara shrugged.

John B then stretches his arm around JJ as the blonde scrunches up his face like he was thinking.

"Hmm, I don't know. Should we tell him?" John B smirked at his best friend.

"Wow. I'm impressed." Kiara smiled.

"Maybe you are good for something." Mack winked at JJ as she walked over to stand in front of him.

"Did he'll freeze over?" Pope joked as he shoved JJ around a bit.

"Even a blind pig can find an acorn at times." JJ shouted.

"I don't think pigs eat acorns, Jay..." Mack sighed at her crazy boyfriend.

"I actually don't know what that means, but I saw it on Reddit." JJ responded.

John B then brings the convo back to the task at hand, "We gotta take the tape to Shoupe."

"Yes, sir. Ward Cameron, we're coming for you, big boy. C'mon baby, we're locking this son of a bitch up for good!" JJ yipped, grabbing Mackenzie by the hand and twirling her before following Pope and John B towards the exit.

"Shot gun!" JJ and Mack yelled at the same time, racing towards the Twinkie.

"It's Ward's turn now!" Pope laughs maniacally.

They teens were all oblivious to the conflicting feelings and thoughts the Cameron girl was having in her mind about her father, just a few feet away.


John B and Mack decided they were the ones that should go into the station and turn in the tape. Together.

"When I got to the tarmac, I saw the sheriff lying dead on the ground. And then Ward asked me to fly the gold to Nassau and dispose of the gun. He's protecting his son. It was Rafe Cameron who killed Sheriff Peterkin. I... I gotta be honest with you. I'm terrified. If anything happens to me, I'm telling you, it was Ward Cameron. He's the one who did it!" Gavin was the one on the tape, Shoupe and the chief FBI agent were both in the room listening in on what the tape included.

"I told you, Shoupe. Ward killed my father, Mack's father, and Gavin, and now you know Rafe killed Peterkin." John B explained.

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