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Your POV:
I woke up. I was still in the same room.
'So this isn't a dream. I mean this is kinda cool but what about my parents and my friends.' I thought as I got ready for school. As I opened the door it slammed against someone
"oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I said then i went to see who I hit. I hit shinobu.
"It's quite alright it was an accident!" She said holding her nose, I got some tissues and gave them to her.
"Sorry." I said again.
"Like I said it's quite alright." She said. We both actually went to the same school not surprising. So we decided to walk together. We had a pleasant time talking, we split of to go to our lockers.
"L/n~" I heard a voice calling out my name I all ready knew who it was so I didn't respond.
"C'mon don't ignore me L/n~ were friends after all, remember how well we bonded in science class?" He said throwing a arm over my shoulder.
"Is that what that was?" I said sarcastically.
"Douma leave her alone. She obviously not interested." Said a voice, I look and saw akaza! This makes total sense.
"But me and l/n are friends! Maybe future lovers~" he said
"keep dreaming." I said
"see not interested." Akaza said he started pulling douma away.
"By the way the names akaza!" He yelled to me. Soon I started walking to homeroom. I walked in and already saw tanjiro
"good morning y/n!" He when he saw me.
"Morning tanjiro." I replied. Soon Muzan walked in "morning." He said
"good morning!" Everybody said, he went over usual announcements. The bell soon rung
"mrs. L/n see me after classes today." Muzan said, I felt my heart drop into stomach, what could I have possibly done to already be in trouble
"yes sir." I said leaving the class.
I headed towards my baking class, the cookies had to be done by Friday, it was only Tuesday. I walked into class and saw Mitsuri, she saw me and quickly ran over to hug me to which I return.
"Hi l/n!" She almost yelled
"hi Kanroji." I replied. So the teacher walked in and we had the time to talk over ideas with our classmates. Me and Mitsuri talked about what kind of cookies to make, she came up with many ideas. We decided on butter cookies. they're simple but you can also shape and decorate them. We decided to text each other ideas for the cookie designs.
Soon enough I had to go to my next class. I walked into science class and placed my stuff down. suddenly I felt arms wrap around my stomach and a head was placed on top of mine.
"*sigh* hello douma." I said knowing it's him or else somebody else is going to much into my personal space
"hi L/n~ how about today you have lunch with me today He said
"why. Is it cause you don't have any friends?" I said "hey! I have plenty of friends!" He said, then I giggle. "L/n why are you being mean to me?" He whined "oh quite being a baby you know I'm just having a bit of fun with you." I said
"sure. I guess I join you for lunch today." I said he smiled and then the teacher walked in.
We walked out of class and walked to the lunch room. "Y/n!" I heard tanjiro
"oh hey tanjiro." I said
"wanna have lunch with us again?" He asked
"sorry tanjiro but-" "she's having lunch with me today!" Douma cut me off and then we both got in line to get lunch. We both sat at table and started chatting. A lot of it was douma asking about my hobbies, at one point he had to flirt me and ask
"how about after school you and me go on date." He said
"sorry but I'm in a full time relationship with my bed." I said to which he started chuckling. I smile I thought it was a dumb joke
"ok but the real reason my homeroom teacher asked to see me after classes." I said
"oh my~ is l/n a troublemaker?" He said with that smirk of his
"No! But it's weird I don't even know what I did?" I said, then we continued on talking about something else. The lunch bell rang and we had to go to our next class.
As I was walking to class I accidentally tripped and fell down. I dropped all my stuff, I didn't want to be late for class, so I quickly tried to pick it all up. "Looks like you could use a hand." I heard a voice it was Akaza, he picked up some of my stuff and handed it to me
"thanks akaza your a life saver! I'll see you after class, bye!" I said quickly going to class.
~near the end of the day~
I was currently in gym class, and we've been running laps, now I'm not to athletic but I'm athletic enough to the point to where i wouldn't die if we did a couple of laps. Like some people. When we finished students were aloud to get water, I was just about to open mine when I heard about heard a student
" I forgot my water bottle are you kidding me?" I turned to see Obanai looking thru his bag, he was actually sweating a lot and looked so tired. I had an extra water bottle with me, so I decided to give him mine. So I tapped his shoulder
"what do you want?" He hissed (hehe)
"I saw you didn't have a water bottle so here!" I said handing him the water bottle
"don't worry I have an extra one." I said walking back to my bag and grabbing my clothes to get changed.
~end of the day~
Everbody was prepared to go home but unfortunately I had to stay behind cause for some reason I'm in trouble with Muzan. I walked to my homeroom class and knocked on the door. The door opened
"ms. L/n please come in." He said, I sat down on a chair, I felt my stomach turning I had such a bad feeling.
"Do you know why I asked to speak with you today L/n?" He asked glaring at me
"n-no sir." I said
"you and a mr Tomioka cleaned up the gym yesterday, correct?" He asked
"yes sir." I replied
"well our camera's caught you two going into the storage room and not coming out for 20 minutes. Do you care to explain why you two were in their for so long?" He asked 'oh so this is what that is about!' I thought
"the door wouldn't open, so we were kinda stuck in there." I said
"mhh...ok and how did you get out if the door was stuck?" He asked raising an eyebrow
"..." I didn't want to answer that question, it could end horribly
"l/n answer the question or else you and tomioka will be getting into a lot of trouble." He said
"I uh kinda...kicked...the door open." I said, he looked surprised to see that answer
"well. Normally I would give you detention but seeing as your being honest and there was no damage to the door, I guess I could let you off the hook." He said
"just don't let it happen again, next time you will get detention. Do you understand?" He said with his piercing red eyes. It was only up close I notice how intimidating yet enchanting they are.
" yes sir!" I said
"good. You are allowed to leave." He said I got up and walked it the door, it wasn't until I was about halfway out the door until I said
"I don't know if anybody has told you this. But you have really beautiful eyes." I said then closing the screen door.
~later at home~
I was texting Mitsuri ideas for some butter cookies, I suggested that we could make heart shaped ones. She clearly loved that idea and agrees on it. After that I told her I had homework to do, she had some too. So we said goodbye and ended the call. I started doing my homework.
~15 minutes later~
I finished all my homework and started getting ready for bed. I got in my pajamas and hopped into bed. It's still kinda hard to believe this is real. But it's not to bad, it could be worse.

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