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Your POV:


I heard a voice it sounded...familiar


What does this person want from me, they sound extremely sad. Who are they? It's on the tip of my tongue.

"Please be okay...just please..."

I tried walking towards the voice but no matter what. No matter how much I walked in the direction I thought the voice was coming from it sounded just as far as before.

The person was now quietly sobbing. I started running to the person sobbing but the place seemed endless.


I sat up

I was clutching my heart and breathing heavy.

Why was my heart beating so fast? Who was that person talking to me and why did I feel like I knew them? Why did I get a sense of nostalgia hearing and remembering that voice.

I looked at the time and saw it was 4:56 in the morning

I laid back down and sighed, but then sat back up again.

I looked at my closet and put on some clothes.

I decided to go out for a walk. I really needed to clear my head.


I decided to stop by a convenience store to get some coffee.

When I walked in I was very surprised to see muichiro there.

I walked up to him

"Hey Tokito."

He looked at me

"Hey y/n."

"Whatcha doing here so early?"

"I can't remember. What about you?"

"I was just in a walk and decided to get some coffee."

"Hmm...maybe I should get something to drink too...hot chocolate sounds nice."

I smiled at him. He was just so cute!

We both then decided to sit together at the park near the store after we got our drinks.


We sat in complete silence but I didn't mind to much. It was peaceful but also a little eerie since it was an empty park and it was night.

The only reason I felt somewhat at ease was because I wasn't alone.

"Wanna hear about my dream?"

He asked all the sudden I shrugged


He came over and laid his head on my lap as he started telling me about the dream.

"It started in some type of forest. I was walking around in a strange uniform with a katana. I was also accompanied by a strange looking crow, it cawed and I could understand it. It was telling me to go to this certain place that I've never heard off. But my body was acting on it own and it went to this small village."

I started thinking he must be remembering his past demon slayer life.

"What happened after you arrive?"

L̷O̸V̶E̷ ̷M̸E̴!̶ (Yan!kny characters x F!reader)Where stories live. Discover now