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!dear readers. There is mentioning of stalking in this chapter please don't read if this triggers you or makes you uncomfortable. Stay safe readers!


Your POV:
"Man...this is the perfect Saturday!" And my definition of a perfect Saturday, is staying indoors. Curled up in a blanket, with my favorite junk food, watching anime, and all day I have had no human inter- *buzzing sound* and there it is. the sound of my phone buzzing. I looked to see it's an unknown caller so like any normal person...i don't answer. Then I get a message notification. I look to see it's by the unknown number it showed a picture of me at my locker and another of me walking home! I freaked out and texted
'who the hę// is this?!' I click sent then I sent a follow up text
'Douma i swear if this is you! You better cut it out! This isn't funny!' I was actually looking all around me and closed all my blinds. I saw that whoever sent those picture saw both of my texts. I didn't know what to do I called Akaza. He was somebody I felt like I could rely on and if it really was Douma, I get the pleasure of watching Akaza kick his a$$!
"Hey l/n. What's up?" He asked
"hey do you mind coming over to my place for a bit?" I asked
"I don't mind. Is something wrong?" He asked
"I'll tell you when you get here. I'll send you my location. I'll see you soon." I said
"yeah see ya soon." He answered.


*knock knock* I hear the door and I put the chain on before opening. just in case it's not Akaza.
"Hey y/n mind letting me in?" Akaza said
"yeah ok. Let me just get the chain off." I said closing the door and taking the chain off. Then I open it to let him inside. Once he was in I close the door and  put the chain back on.
"Now that I'm here mind telling what's got you so freaked out. If it's Douma I swear I'm going to-" he said but I cut him off by whisper yelling
"I think somebody is stalking me!" He was quite for a few seconds
"for real?" He asked concerned, I nodded and showed him the pictures.
"Ok rather someone is playing a really messed up game or this is something bigger!" He said to which I started to shiver from terror. He noticed and quickly said another possibility
"or this really could be Douma! Do you have his number? Call him and see if it's him." Akaza said
"ok but I don't want to make it obvious...or else he would like to come over here and I'm not sure if I'm ready to reveal where I live to him yet. because Douma being well...Douma." I said
"yeah I get it. Tell him you saw a video about it and were curious if he would do that or not." Akaza said, I nodded and called Douma
"hey y/n~ do you wanna go on that date I mentioned a couple of times." He said, Akaza rolled his eyes "sorry Douma I'm a bit busy but I saw this video earlier where this guy pranked his friend and made him think he had a stalker. And I just wondered would you ever do that to me?" I asked
"what?! I would never do that! Your to nice for me to pull a mean prank like that!" Douma said and it weirded me out by how genuine it sounded
"ok thanks. Oh! I gotta go! See ya!" Then I hanged up.
"Ok he sounded pretty genuine. So we can cross out Douma being this mysterious messenger." I was back to shivering!
"Well it might be safe to not leave the apartment for a while or at least not alone. If you want I can stay the rest of the day." He said
"really?" I asked
"yeah. What kinda person would I be to leave somebody who could be in danger alone. Plus I've thought about getting to know you more! You seem really nice." He admitted I blushed at the compliment. So for most of the day we watched a movie and played some games, while also having friendly banter. Me and Akaza laughed a bunch, he was actually a lot of fun to be around.


We saw on tv how their was a fair going on and I sighed
"man that looks like a lot of fun! Too bad I can't go." I said
"why not?" Akaza asked
"did you forget I have a stalker?" I said
"well it's probably just a prank since nothing else has happened. I'll go with you if you want." He said
"I'll only go if you want to." I said
"I actually wanna go." He said
"ok let me put on some casual clothes." I said because I was still in my pjs

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