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Your POV:
I work up a little earlier than usual but I still did my usual and got ready. As I was walking to school, I saw a little boy and he looked lost, I felt bad so I went up and asked him
"hey are you ok? Are you lost?" He looked at me and then pouted
"no i'm not lost! I'm just fine!" He said
"ok." I said as I was about to get up
"but can you help me find my mother..." he said
"of course. C'mon let's find your mother." I held out my hand for him.
"Where did you see here last?" I asked
"I saw her on a bench near the playground." He answered
"ok let's go there." I said. We walked to the playground to see a women who looked in distress. "Is that your mother?" I asked him
"yes! That's her!" He said excitedly. We walked up to her
"ma'am I believe this is your child." I said
"RUI!" She practically yelled, she picked him up and held him. 'Hold on that's rui, it was hard to recognize him because he's not a demon.' The women didn't look like rui's real
Mom she looked like the spider mom.
"Thank you so much for finding him!" She said
"it's no problem. After all I couldn't just walk past a kid who needs help." I said,
"what's your name." Rui asked
"y/n l/n I hate to leave so soon but I better get to school. Bye rui!" I said walking away.
As I headed to school I saw Tomioka
"hey Tomioka!"
I said running up to him.
"L/n?" He said
"it's been awhile since I've seen you. Right?" I said. All he did was nod.
"Did you also have to talk to your homeroom teacher about the storage closet?" I asked
"yeah. But they were really understanding and believed what I told them." He said
"well I'm glad I would feel bad if you got in trouble." I said
"why? You barely know me. So why do you care." He said "cause that incident wasn't your fault. It's also unjust for one person to be punish, if there was somebody else apart of it. You also seem like a nice guy, I don't think you deserve that." I said
"I um...thanks." He said looking away. We reached out lockers and went our separate ways
"llll/nnnn~ good morning!" Douma said hugging me from behind.
"Good morning douma." I said getting the rest of my stuff
"Douma! Get of her! Respect her personal space!" Akaza yelled at him.
"I'm just hugging her. Is that so bad Akaza." Douma asked
"I said get off her!" He yelled again about to pull Douma off me but I stopped him
"it's really alright Akaza. There's no need to fight. Besides we all have to go to class at some point. So he has to get off me eventually." I said not wanting to draw attention
"fine. But if he starts bothering you, tell me." He said walking away
"mhp! Akaza is so mean always getting in the way of me having fun. L/n you wanna go on that date with me today?~" he said
"sorry Douma, me and my cooking partner are going to try and make cookies at my place today." I said, he started whining my name. We were getting a few judgmental looks.
"Douma if I give you my phone number will you stop whining! Your making a scene!" I said, that caused him to stop whining. We quickly exchange numbers and we headed to our classes.
I walked in and saw the trio inosuke, zenitsu, and tanjiro chatting.
"Hey guys!" I said
"hi y/n!" Tanjiro said
"hey y/n." Zenitsu said
"fight me (mispronounced name)!" Inosuke said "nah I'm good." I said
"how's it been going y/n?" Tanjiro asked
"oh I've been fine thank you for asking." I said flashing him a smile
"you have a nice smile y/n~" Zenitsu asked
"aw that's very sweet of you to say Zenitsu!" I said he started smiling like an idiot, then the door slide open.
"Good morning." Muzan said he looked at me for a split second
"good morning sir!" The class said, then he went on about his usual morning announcements.
After the bell rung we went to our classes. I went into my baking class, then somebody jumped on me
"Morning l/n!"
"Oh. good morning Kanroji." She giggled
"hey hey I have a great idea, would you like to join me and my friends for lunch?" She said
"I would love to." I said
"yay!" She cheered. Today we made some mochi, me and Mitsuri made her favorite Sakura mochi! I've never got to try it back home so I'm super excited. It was so good!
~after class~
It was time for science we had to partner up with someone today. I could see Douma lit up, until the teacher said he will be assigning the partners, then he sulked knowing full well he's not going to be with me.
"L/n and Shinazugawa." The teacher said, I was shook to the bone. After he announced the names I went it look for Sanemi, I found him.
"H-hey are you Shinazugawa?" I asked pretending to not know him.
"Yeah. Your l/n." He asked glaring at me
"that's me. It's nice to mee-" "just shut up and sit down. Let's just get this over with." He said cutting me off.
"Excuse me. I don't appreciate the way your talking to me." I said
"I don't give a d@mn if you appreciate it!" He said glaring at me even harder
"well you should. We are classmates. We should be getting along, you should also learn polite manners. That's no way for a man to act Shinazugawa." I said "who do think you are telling me off?! Your lucky were in class or i'd rip you to shreds!" he said glaring at me while smiling.
"Well if I don't do it. Nobody will. I'm sorry you can't handle being disciplined." I said crossing my arms "now let's put this fight on hold. Cause I would like not to fail." I said ending the conversation "whatever." He grumbled. The next couple of minutes were in complete silence except asking for certain items.
After class, I started to look for Mitsuri so we can have lunch together. I found her after I got my lunch and she dragged me to a table.
"Guys this l/n!" She said I look and saw Kyojuro and Obanai
"hi it's nice to meet you two I'm y/n l/n." I said
"I'm Kyojuro Rengoku!" Rengoku said enthusiastically
"...Obanai Iguro..." Obanai said quietly, then we started eating while chatting. Obanai started warming up to me and even thanked for the water bottle I gave him yesterday. Rengoku was a very talkative person but it was nice to listen to him ramble on about different topics. Mitsuri was also a bit of a chatter box. At the end of lunch we became friends and exchanged numbers.
I went to my math class and Muzan walked in
"ok class listen up. In two weeks I'll be giving you a test. I suggest you all study hard! Ok on to today's lesson." He said, I thought I'll do ok I mean I've been paying attention in ever class and I understand things perfectly fine.
~time skip~
It was the end of the day I was going to the front gate to meet up with Mitsuri. But when I turned a corner I bumped into someone and they dropped whatever they were carrying
"watch where your going!" Yelled a voice I knew it was Sanemi "
well it's nice to see you to Shinazugawa." I said sarcastically
"you again!" He said, I started picking up whatever he dropped
"what you doing!" He yelled
"helping you pick up whatever you dropped?" I said "I don't need your help!" He said
"god! You know it's not so hard just to be nice to people and accept their help. Im trying to be a nice person to you despite the fact your acting like a jerk! So just shut up and take your stuff!" I yelled at him giving him the things he dropped. I walked away to meet up with Mitsuri
Sanemi POV:
'Wow nobody has ever told me off like that. Most people are to scared to even talk to me. She's got guts. She nice but isn't a push over.' I was thinking over the what she said to me and what she said in science class. She making feel something new. It's weird but I don't mind it.
Your POV:
Me and Mitsuri were at my house making cookies while talking, she was really sweet to talk to, after the cookies were done we let them cool done then we started decorating. I wasn't bad but I wasn't perfect either. Mitsuri was much better at it than I was "your so good at this Kanroji! I'm kinda jealous." I said "don't be silly your doing just fine. it just take practice! You'll definitely will get better with time." She said
"I guess your right." I said as we continued to decorate. We eventually finished, we thought it would be fun to watch a movie. We just talked about random things as the movie was playing. After the movie ended she needed to go home. So we said our goodbyes and she went on her way. I texted tanjiro for a while till I decided it was time for bed.

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