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As usual I woke up and checked my phone. Nezuko asked me if I wanted to come over to her place and see if i wanted hang for a little bit. I look at my other text messages. Mitsuri wanted to go to a new sweets store that opened recently. The sound of treats sounded so good but the thought of visiting the the most wholesome family sounded good too!

I texted nezuko and asked if I could come over for like an hour or 2 and she replied sure. Then I texted Mitsuri and said if we could meet up around 3:30 and she said yes. So I was on my way walking to the Kamado household, I stopped by a store to get some flowers as a thank you for letting me into their home. I couldn't figure which ones I wanted to get

"you seem to be concentrating on those flowers almost as much as you did on your math test." I heard a voice. I looked and saw Muzan

"oh good morning mr. kibutsuji! I didn't know you like flowers?" I said

"I don't exactly like flowers. It just that some old ones in my vase were dead. It annoyed me so I thought I would get some new ones. What about you? I'm not one to assume but I wouldn't be surprised if you were the type to like flowers." He said looking at the selection

I giggled "oh well your not wrong. But I mostly getting flowers for a family I'm visiting. Just a little something nice." I said looking at the flowers

"How about these irises?" He suggested; I looked at them and decided they were perfect!

"Yeah those are actually perfect! Thank you mr. kibutsuji!" I quickly bought some as the same time as him he was getting roses.

"Well I believe this is goodbye." He said, I picked one of the irises and gave it to him, he took it and had a look as if he was inspecting it.

"Take that as a thank you for helping me decide. Also saying goodbye is kinda sad, I think it's better to say...until we meet again." I say walking away. The kamado family are going to love these flowers!


Muzan POV:
As I watch her walk away, I just couldn't get why she was being this way it was so strange to me. I look down at the iris and felt a weird feeling, it was...nice. I put the iris in a pocket on my vest then decided to continue with my day after thinking 'y/n l/n you are a strange girl.' Then remember her saying 'saying goodbye is kinda sad, I think it's better to say...until we meet again.' I chuckled at the silliness of it. I was now in a good mood.


Your POV:
I reached the house and knocked

The the door opened "y/n! It's so good to see you!" Nezuko said with a smile opening her arms for a hug

"It's good too see you too!" I said opening my arms and hugged her.

She pulled me inside and she told me tanjiro was making some food in the kitchen. We walked in so I could say hi to tanjiro. But he was in the zone. He did a pose that was hilarious

 He did a pose that was hilarious

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