Chapter 4 - A Course of Action

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The Reimagining of the Bow Hero

Chapter 4 – A Course of Action

Author's Note: None Today!

"Can we even fight with such a low level?"

"What is all this crap?"

Ren and Motoyasu were voicing their disbelief, clearly annoyed that they started out quite weak.

"What? Do you not have such a thing in your world? It is called Status Magic. Everybody in this world can see and utilize it."

That was quite surprising. I wouldn't expect a whole world of people to just accept a numerical indication of one's body, but it happened somehow.

Anyways, how were we supposed to upgrade our pathetically weak weapons? Our best option would probably be to ask the king.

"Your Majesty," I questioned respectfully. "Do you know of such a way that would allow us to improve our combat skills and improve the abilities of our legendary weapons?"

"Well yes, I was just about to get to that. You all must go on a journey to polish your abilities and strengthen your Legendary Weapons."

"Strengthen your weapons?" Ren asked. "This means that the weapons are weak from the start?"

"You are correct. The legendary heroes must raise their weapons like they would their own children. Only then can they be strong and assist you in battle, far stronger than any weapon this world possesses."

Ren and Motoyasu' s eyes lit up upon hearing that statement. Surely, they were in awe at the legendary weapon's supposed combat abilities.

Motoyasu asked: "It's cool that these weapons can become strong and all, but can we use different weapons while leveling them up?"

Ren quickly cut Motoyasu off.

"We can figure that out later. We should focus on getting stronger at the moment, like the king told us."

The more I listened in on this conversation, the more my inner nerd got excited. I could only imagine how excited the other people were to truly live out an RPG. Finally, now is the time to live out my childhood dreams!

From the outside scenery, to the magical summoning circle, to the way I got transported here, to the magical game menu and the scenery, there was no doubt in my mind I was in a new world. I previously thought we were just in a game, but everything imaginable here has a texture and smell and sound. Achieving such feats would be at least 20 years ahead from the current era.

This new information was overwhelming, but yet my expression remained calm. Freaking out wouldn't be a good course of action right now.

I believed it was time to offer a reasonable suggestion.

"Hey, lets form a party! The four of us!"

The other three nodded in unison. Teamwork made the dreamwork, after all.

"Yeah! That'd be great!"

Before we could get any further, the king interrupted us.

"The four of you should adventure independently and recruit your own party members."

"With all due respect, your Majesty, what would be the reason against us teaming up?" I respectfully rebuked, trying not to draw his ire.

"According to the prophecy," the king calmly continued. "The legendary weapons naturally do not want to cooperate. They will interfere with each other's development, and as a result you cannot get stronger fighting alongside one another."

"Aww, man." Ren lamented.

"I guess we just have to get stronger on our own." Motoyasu sighed.

"If we stay together, won't we level up faster though? That makes no sense."

As soon as those words left Naofumi' s mouth, a pop up emerged from our legendary weapons.

Attention: The Legendary Weapons and their owners will experience negative effects if they fight together.

Caution: It is preferable that the Heroes and weapons and used individually.

Welp, guess that's our question solved.

The pop ups stayed for a while before finally disappearing.

The king patiently finished his address.

"I will attempt to secure companions for you all that will accompany you on your travels. You should rest for the night as you will be departing in the morning. I have prepared a room for you all. Please, retire there for the time being."

"Your Majesty, your generosity is much appreciated." I politely thanked him.

"Thanks, your Majesty!"


"Thanks a lot!"

After thanking the king, we retired to our chambers as nightfall approached.

As I walked into our shared bedroom, my eyes swept across the room. It was about the equivalent of a 4-star hotel. Not bad.

The other heroes plopped down on their respective beds and began inspecting their weapons closely, trying to familiarize themselves with every nook and cranny of their new possessions.

Looking out the window, I realize that the sun was almost set, and the room was beginning to darken. I decided to follow my comrades and started skimming through the weapon manual.

Let's see now. The weapons required no maintenance, were extremely powerful and durable, and their materials react to the level of the hero that possesses them, and all slain monsters were recorded in a weapon book. Got it.

I tapped on the weapon book, and what looked like a technology upgrade screen popped before my eyes. I could still see the outside world though; it was just slightly obscured by the icons in front of me. This reminded me of Sid Meier's Civilization, where each technology tree would have many unlockable abilities.

Keeping that thought in my mind, I proceeded to share it with the rest of the group.

"Yo, isn't this kind of like a game? The mechanics, and leveling and all?"

"That's what I thought of too!"

"I think this might actually be a game. In fact, there's a game just like this called Emerald Online."


"It's super popular. Haven't you heard of it?

"I haven't either. I'd consider myself a pretty die-hard Otaku." Naofumi joined in.

"You're all wrong. This is like a VRMMO." Ren said.

"Like Sword Art Online type of VRMMO? That anime is super fire right now." I responded.

"Sword Art What?" Everybody asked.

"Guys," Motoyasu said. "I think something weird is going on."

Thanks for reading! Chapter 5 out tomorrow!

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