Chapter 53 - Wooloo

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Chapter 53 – Wooloo

Author's Note: Please don't bombard me for the direction that I'm about to take.

Indigo gave me a whole information dump, but I'll simplify what he said. After we jumped through the portal, he was whisked away and fell out of the sky into a water fountain in the middle of this country's capital. Swarms of people, mostly women, pounced on him, and it was through the hard work of the police that he wasn't clobbered to death by the ecstatic mob.

He was brought before a religious council, where they claimed that he was an angel sent by heaven. Not denying this, Indigo started preaching my ideals for a better society, which the council quickly approved. They said that if it was the word of god, there was nothing they could do to deny it.

The religious council quickly gathered a congress after holding quick elections across the country, and a national popular vote determined the new president. Everybody immediately passed every law that "the angel" brought up, most of them very similar to Arcium. One key difference was that Indigo introduced a bicameral congress to better suit the locals, and many Arcian laws were adjusted to better fit local customs.

Indigo came up with a new name for the country, the United Federation. He also drew up many blueprints based on the ones that I had drawn and sent them to the many existent factories around the realm. He remarked that the country looked much like late 1800s Germany, after I told him what it was like back then.

The people of this nation, according to Indigo, are very worried of an impending invasion by the country of Luvar. Due to this, and the fact he was considered a deity, everybody agreed to increase the military budget to create new weapons. While doing all this, the army ushered Indigo to a river to quickly gain XP by killing scores of fish, but due to his busyness he had only reached 40 or so.

"You know what, pal, you did a good job. I'm proud to consider you part of my family."

"Awwww, thanks!" Indigo purred as Kana combed his feathers, which was something she was very good at.

"Oh yeah, Satoshi." Indigo suddenly brought up. "You should make a shikigami. You can make one completely free here since I'm considered a deity, and they can prove pretty useful."


"I can explain." Kana jumped in. "Basically, you take a few things and the owner's blood, mix them together, and use a medium to create a familiar! I've never made one, but I hear they can be quite powerful!"

"That's great. Indigo, where can I get this done?"

"Probably at the dragon hourglass in the capital. It has more magical energy, and many wizards could help you out."

"Lead the way."

Indigo waded through the middle of the road, with roses and other flowers being thrown at him from all directions. Guess this country really did love angels.

"Oh yeah, Satoshi." Indigo whispered in my ear as we approached the dragon hourglass. "For some reason, I'm classified as a humming fairy in this world instead of a filolial. I don't know why, but that's a thing."

"Strange." I muttered.

"Feehhhhhh!" Rishia groaned as we neared the castle, clearly scared by all the commotion.

All the castle guards saluted as Indigo walked through the door, leading us to a large chamber where a dragon hourglass similar to the many that existed throughout the Confederation lay.

"Oh, great angel. What is it that you need today?"

"Well, my good friend Satoshi here requires a shikigami to be made. Perhaps you could make one for him?"

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