Chapter 44 - Meeting Ost

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Chapter 44 – Meeting Ost

Author's Note: I'm going to start writing a bit slower because the old pacing was a bit too fast...

The waitress brought forth our order. I ordered a bowl of salad comprised of different foods provided by the BioPlants, while Naofumi ordered something similar to pork ribs. Everybody else ordered a wide variety of foods.

"So, Ost." I began. "Who are you exactly?"

Ost, by the way, was similar to the name of one of the new states of the Confederation, named Ostland. It meant East Land in the local language.

"I am a Spirit Tortoise familiar." She explained. "My true body is the Spirit Tortoise itself."

"Okay, Ost." Naofumi asked, while gnawing on one of the ribs. "Why did you abandon your mission and reach out to us? The Spirit Tortoise broke his own seal and started all this mess, didn't he?"

"There is a reason for that. As I said earlier, my true body is the Spirit Tortoise itself. However, the situation has gone so bad that the Spirit Tortoise is no longer able to fulfill his role in the plan. That is why I have come to ask you, the wielder of the holy shield, and you, the wielder of the holy bow, for assistance. An enemy has taken over my body, and it wishes to use it for evil."

I sort of understood what she was getting at, but I also was sort of confused.

"And this role you're talking about . . . "Naofumi continued.

"Is the creation of a barrier to protect the world, right?" I continued.

"Correct, but you have witnessed yourselves that my true body has not been defeated. At this rate, all of those that have been sacrificed for the sake of our goal will have died in vain."

I was getting quite pissed at this moment. Usually, I kept a calm composure while talking to others, but now I was truly mad. This woman wanted to kill my new countrymen to erect some stupid barrier? Unacceptable.

"Do you have anything to say about this? The fact that scores of my new countrymen have died because of a massive turtle?"

I thought of every possible possibility, while sipping on more Serade. Then, it hit me.

It was that god damn bird.

Fitoria must have caused the Spirit Tortoise to cause a great rampage across the land because Ren and Motoyasu weren't doing their jobs. She must have wanted the Spirit Tortoise to kill everyone just to create the barrier to protect the world.


I crunched the Serade bottle that was in my hand. The glass shards dispersed across the floor, causing a cacophonous clinking sound.

"Are you talking about my love?"

"Shut up, Indigo. Now's not the time."

"Wow there, man. No need to get mad."

"Do you know how many inhabitants of those lands died because of her? She must pay!"

"Say that one more time. I dare you."

"Fitoria needs to pay for causing this much damage."

Suddenly, Indigo leapt upon me and started whaling on my face. I flipped the guy over, slapping him repeatedly. We caused quite the ruckus, kicking over a neighboring table and smashing through a floorboard.

"ENOUGH!" Naofumi bellowed. "Satoshi, we all know you're pissed that the new countries that joined your country were devastated by the Spirit Tortoise, but that's already over with. Indigo. You too. Cut it out."

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