Chapter 24 - Return to the Capital

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Chapter 24 – Return to the Capital

Author's Note: None today!

After wiping out the small number of monsters remaining in the cave, we decided to do a tour of the countryside, distributing seeds to the starving populace. We had already received news via the messenger pigeons that this country had been using for countless generations that the "Miracle Crops" had already started to bloom in wildly unexpected timeframes. Since water was plentiful in Arcium, there was plenty of wells to water the BioPlants. People were beginning to praise me, and my popularity was soaring.

As soon as I entered the capital, I was instantly greeted by hundreds of citizens, eagerly awaiting my arrival. Statues of the former king and other unnecessary uses of iron were melted down in order to build Bessemer converters. All capable fire, water and earth magicians across the country were gathered to large cities around the country, to prepare the rebuilding process.

Three weeks had passed since the death of King Strauss, and the country was rebuilding at an astounding speed. It was about time that another wave should have begun, and I felt pretty confident about our chances. In some of the earlier places that I had visited, harvests were already starting, and the surplus food was transported around the republic to feed the starving poor.

Plans were being made to introduce a new currency, since due to the chaos of civil war we were still using metal-based currency. According to one of my plans, which I had sent back to the capital a while back using a messenger pigeon, a new decimalized paper currency should be introduced.

Even more, plans were in progress to create a national calendar which would be separate of those used across the world, to symbolize the victory in the revolution. The country was beginning to liberalize, as many peasants and especially the city folk embraced the ideas that I had written in the constitution, seeing as it brought them food and prosperity.

As for the national council, they were doing their job almost perfectly. They systematically and harshly cracked down on corruption, replacing nobles with revolutionaries based on a system of meritocracy. The news of elections had spread far and wide, with polling booths being planned all across the nation.

Of course, the nation still had substantial problems. Harvests hadn't occurred in most of the country, and starvation was still rampant. Literacy rates were lower than that of neighboring countries, barely approaching 5 percent, and life expectancies were lower than those of the medieval era in our own world.

Despite this, though, people all across the republic were extremely optimistic of the future that lay before them. They truly believed that democracy would bring them the hope and joy that they deserved, and my heavy endorsement of those ideals had heavily influenced the deeply religious countryfolk.

Many other institutions and programs, such as a free nationwide education system, institutions of healthcare and sewage systems and infrastructure were also in the works, though only one problem could be tacked at a time. These would have to be implemented at later points.

After hearing about the miracle plants, a substantial number of refugees had returned to the country, reuniting with their family and friends and planting BioSeeds. Due to the recent arrivals, the population sat at around half a million. Bounds and leaps less than Melromarc, but more than enough to sustain a society.

Due to the unnecessariness of maintaining a large army after the civil war, most of the revolutionaries went home and only a few hundred man defense force and a few hundred man police force remained to secure the country.

Regarding human and demi-human relations, less than 1% of Arcium's population was actually demi-human, which led to very little discrimination against them. When I announced the emancipation part of the constitution, nobody did so much as to bat an eye. This made me extremely happy, since this was one of the most contentious issues in Melromarc, and no one had to die here in order to end slavery.

Waving goodbye to the thankful populace, my party headed off to Castle Town, to better prepare for the waves. Although killing King Strauss was a mistake, the revolution had gone surprisingly successfully, and I was feeling quite proud of myself.

The new flag of Arcium, a tricolor of blue, white, and black, with the word "Arcium" written in the central section, fluttered above Indigo's carriage, which had been repaired by the blacksmiths of Messeblick. I had also been given a passport by the national council to identify myself as the president of Arcium, which should make travelling much easier.

Breezing through the northern region of Melromarc, which let us pass without as much as a check because of my status as the bow hero, I arrived at Castle Town to claim my reward from the adventurer's guild, which paid me my reward and sent me on my way.

Seeing as the wave was about to approach, I decided to take a break at the same tavern that I had stayed at every time I was in this city.

When I entered, though, I heard Naofumi bickering with Ren.

"That zombie dragon you killed! It caused a plague and killed scores of people!"

"What are you talking about?"

They both stopped arguing once they saw me enter the room.

"Hey, Mr. President." Naofumi playfully said. "Great job saving the northern country up there, or should I say Arcium. They're way better off now!"

"I just did what I had to do. It will take a while, but I'm positively sure that they will prosper in the coming days. Anyways, good job on taking care of that plague that had been spreading around. It's not gone, but it's better than it was before."

I had heard of the zombie dragon plague from the drunken adventurers around the block.

"I took care of the corpse." Naofumi elaborated to Ren. "The local people are getting cured by the doctor, and Raphtalia got cursed from it. It took a while to get her healed up."

Ren bowed to Naofumi in shame, seemingly apologetic of his baseless accusation.

"Anyways," I added. "Concerning the next wave, I won't be bringing any troops from Arcium to help out. They are too ruined from the war, and I had just reduced the army to 20% its original size."

Naofumi and Ren nodded in comprehension.

"However," I continued. "We should talk over our strategy this time. What worked last time actually worked well enough, so we'll keep the strategy relatively similar. Naofumi, Raphtalia and I will protect the villagers like usual, while the rest of my party and you guys should focus on the monsters."

"Right on it!"

"Well, the wave is happening tomorrow. Let us feast tonight and prepare ourselves for the difficult task that we will face tomorrow."

Saying that, I ordered my party and I apple ciders as we had a hearty feast with the other heroes.

As night fell, and I had finished purchasing more medical supplies, I thought over the strategy of the oncoming wave with Rishia, who I had learned actually went to the most prestigious academy in the world, located in the technological wonderland of Faubrey. She can speak as many languages as I could and is a prodigy in most aspects. Her affinity, it turns out, is literally everything. She is a jack of all trades and a master of none.

After agreeing on a more refined part of tomorrow's plan, including amending the plan to allow Rishia to help me defend the villages, we all decided to get a long night of sleep and get some rest. Rishia and the girls slept on the beds, while the boys and I flopped on the floor. If the last wave were to prove anything, it would be that this wave would prove much more difficult.

Chapter 25 out soon!

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