Chapter 54 - Satoshi's First Date?

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Chapter 54 – Satoshi's First Date?

Author's Note: This chapter was written with a lot of help from Emmanual.


Another monster was dead.

"Two hundred and fifty-four." I counted.

That one was barely a challenge.


Kana had taken out three rat-like creatures in one swing using her swallow reversal technique.

"Two hundred fifty-three. Two hundred fifty-four. Two hundred fifty-five." Kana jeered. "Looks like I'm ahead now."

Aiming at a tarantula a few hundred meters away, I released my bowstring, causing the monster to explode into a puddle of blood before it could even react.

"Two hundred and fifty-five. We're even now."

"Two hundred fifty-six." Kana added as she punctured an 8-legged anomaly. "Looks like I'm in the lead again."

Crap, I was losing! I had to use my ultimate technique.

Transforming my bow into a machine gun, I aimed it at a nearby hive of gargantuan hornets.

"No." Kana held her breath. "Don't you dare."

"Yes." I playfully smiled. "You leave me no choice."

Holding the machine gun at my hip, I spammed who knows how many rounds of pure lead into the hive, obliterating every single insect that was living inside it.

"One thousand and something? I'm the winner here."

"No fair!" Kana jumped up and down whilst pouting her face. "You cheated!"

"Hey! You never specified what counted as monsters!"

"Still!" Kana sulked. "It's not fair!"

I mean, she did have a point...maybe?

"It's getting late now." I changed the subject. "Maybe we should find somewhere to rest."

"You're right." Kana yawned. "I'm super sleepy. Where should we go?"

I looked around, oh, that area looks good.

"Maybe that hill over there?" I pointed. "It's free of trees and the grass there looks very comfortable."

"Sure! Why not?"

We headed towards the grassy hill, the cool breeze caused her silky platinum hair to waver in the wind. Her scarf fluttered like a flag, and her katana scabbard rattled a bit.

"Satoshi, could you tell me a joke?"

I was too mesmerized by her beautiful complexion to answer her question. I came back to my senses once she lightly poked me in the abdomen.

"Yeah-wait...what did you say?"

"I said, could you tell me a joke? It's so boring out here."

"Yeah, sure. Give me a second to think about it."

"No problem. Take your time."

I immediately blurted out the first thing I could think of.

"My best friend's wedding was so beautiful. Even the cake was in tiers."

I immediately cringed so hard it felt like I was punched in the stomach. That was quite possibly the worst joke in existence.

"Hm? I don't get it."

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