Chapter 35 - Cal Mira Wave

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Chapter 35 – Cal Mira Wave

Author's Note: None today!

Going underwater was really a good call. We were gaining almost as many levels here than we were on land!

Since I had long reached the activation event's bonus EXP, I needed another way to gain fast EXP here. This was the way.

We spent a few hours in the water using our diving gear that we purchased on Cal Mira, and then returned to the far island to rest and eat. This strategy got us tons of EXP, quickly leveling us up. I had reached the low 90s in terms of levels, with Eda, Welst and Rojeel reaching the low 70s, and Indigo and Rishia in the low 80s.

We were chilling on the island, tired after a long grinding session, when Captain Speedy suddenly turned up on the island shore.

"Bow Hero! We urgently need your help!"

"What's the issue?"

"The Earl needs you to defend the islands! A wave is incoming!"

What happened? This was really bad. I thought we wouldn't have a wave for another few weeks or so.

"In that case, we have no choice but to assist."

We rode in the boat and arrived back in the main town faster than we had departed it. This really was serious.

I quickly rushed to where the Earl was, and he was discussing strategy with Naofumi and the Arcian Expeditionary Forces.

"We don't have many sailors, and the crown can't send us much support. We should send somebody to the castle to request help."

I really wanted to send out Arcium's own navy, but the modernization wouldn't be complete anytime soon. This was really unfortunate. Also, most of my soldiers were cavalry, which meant they had no naval experience whatsoever.

"We should use exploding Ricolu fruit barrels." Rishia suggested. "They explode and kill monsters around them, but they are normally banned by fishing laws. It's desperate, so we must use them now."

The Earl agreed with her idea.

We decided to send Naofumi to the castle, as I needed to help organize a defense of the islands due to my superior tactical knowledge.

For this wave, I decided to use the Soul Eater Bow. It had good stats, and I wanted to test it out.

The Arcian soldiers were tasked with garrisoning the main island, while the adventurers, local troops and hopefully the troops that Naofumi would bring would fight on water.

After a while, Naofumi, the queen, and some troops arrived. They were mostly sailors, tasked with manning the ships.


Soon enough, the wave struck. Rifts appeared in the sky, and giant fish-like creatures streamed out of the cracks.

"Fueee..." Rishia groaned. I had instructed her not to do that, but she would still do it in times of trouble.

I shot my bow at the creatures, wiping out a great deal of them. Motoyasu threw his spear at them like a harpoon.

Damn. There were too many monsters. The bow wasn't too effective.

Seeing this, I transformed my bow into a catapult that I had copied while in Melromarc. I loaded a few barrels of Ricolu fruit onto it.


The Ricolu fruit barrels fired in a wide spray, exploding as they hit the water. Hundreds of small creatures perished, floating to the surface. The sea was died in a tinted color due to the alcoholic tint of the fruits.

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