Chapter 22 - The Hero's Speech

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Chapter 22 – The Hero's Speech

Author's Note: Satoshi will finally make a big speech to the revolutionaries! How will he do?

The commanders had gathered all their men before me, all of them eager to hear what I had to say before we marched upon the king's capital, Messeblick.

I felt slightly nervous speaking to this many people, but my lawyering skills had trained me for this very moment. I took a deep breath and motioned for everybody to quiet down. Then, in an authoritative manner, I spoke to the crowd.

"This noble revolution," I began. "That you have all fought for so long, is nearing its conclusion. King Strauss, which had terrorized us for so long, is almost at the hinges of defeat! This revolution is one of life and death for us all, with us clearly being hung for treason if unsuccessful. You know better than anyone of the death and destruction of this conflict. So many dead! So many wounded! You have all lost a brother, a father, a mother, a sister, to the cruel King which we all loathe so much."

The troops all nodded, visibly fuming at the evil deeds of the king.

"Now, we must keep those who have fallen at the forefront of our memory!" I bellowed. "We cannot falter and be defeated, for that would tarnish their very sacrifices! Let us march upon Messeblick and cut off Strauss' head! As one of my forefathers in my world once said, give me liberty or give me death. I will personally charge with you all, at the very front of the line, for law, liberty and democracy!"

The rowdy troops jumped up and down in celebrating. Then, they got a chant going, all one thousand or so of them.

"Off with his head!" Off with his head!" Off with his head!"

"Now!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Let the offensive begin!"

I reorganized the army, which I renamed the Glorious Army of the Republic, into 5 companies, each consisting of 200 men and 100 porters. Each would be led by a former commander, with the 5th Company, with myself as commander, charging ahead.

The goal would be, using my authority as the bow hero, to gather as many people as I could to join the army, men, women, or demi-humans. Many of my troops were fine with the idea of full desegregation, as long as the demi-humans were against Strauss' rule.

The army, as upbeat and optimistic as it's ever been, began to sing a folk song as we all marched in the direction of Messeblick. This risky and unexpected maneuver, if failed, would lead to the revolution's utter defeat.

Soon, we met a royalist unit at the gates of Messeblick. Seeing myself at the helm of the army, and themselves starving from the lack of supplies, all 250 of them defected over to my side, which I reorganized into the 6th Company.

Before we could reach the city walls, though, King Strauss himself stood at the top of the castle gate. I took the opportunity to make a big speech before he could say anything.

"Brothers and sisters! You have been under tyrannical oppression for too long! I am the bow hero, and I am here to liberate you! Open the gates at once!"

My troops began to chant revolutionary phrases, drowning out Strauss' words. The king failed to keep his troops organized as they all fell into a panic at the sound of my name.

I took this opportunity for the kill shot. Aiming my bow perfectly, I used the chimera bow that I had unlocked from the dead wave boss and spammed 10 shots at the king's direction.

To give him credit, he did dodge 9 of the shots, but the 10th one hit his foot and knocked him off the tower.

I motioned for Indigo to start shouting.

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