Chapter 1

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I am very excited to be writing this ff! I have a  good feeling about it. I don't write so hopefully this doesn't turn out awful. I have been missing Naya lately and Brittana.

Anyways, please enjoy!


Santana sat down next to Quinn at Cafeteria table where all the cheerios sat. They were all gossiping about some girl. "What are you guys talking about?" Santana asked.

"Just the new girl. She's trying out to be on the cheerios." Hannah, One of the cheerios informed.

"You should've heard her answer in History. She said that her cat studies Scientology. She's weird." Aubrie, another cheerio stated. The cheerios, including Quinn laughed about it.

Santana looked over at a blonde girl who was heading toward their table. She was breathtaking . She had blue eyes and she was wearing a pink Pokka dotted shirt and white jeans. Santana snapped out of it when the blonde spoke. "Hi guys! Could I sit with you? I'm going to try outs today." The blonde asked.

"No, This table is for official cheerios only. Sorry not sorry." Aubrie scoffed.

The blonde nodded. She smiled and walked over to a different table with the glee club kids. The cheerios continued to gossip. Santana stared at the blonde who was now talking to Mercedes, Tina, Artie, and the dwarf berry.

Quinn tapped her on the shoulder, Santana snapped back into reality. Everyone was getting up from their seats and heading out of the Cafeteria. Santana realized lunch was over and stood up, turning to Quinn. They walked out of the Cafeteria together.


Santana walked into the gym and stood beside Quinn. They were already on the cheerios and didn't need to try out. They went to Coach Sylvester's cheerleading camp over the summer. They were also the head cheerios. Only a few new people tried out to be on the team, Coach Sylvester scared off the rest. Santana and Quinn were used to Coach Sylvester's behavior. Next was the new girl. Santana and Quinn looked at each other. "You think she's going to be good?" Quinn asked Santana.

"I don't know. She looks like she could be. You?" Santana answered. Quinn just shrugged and the two watched as the new girl stretched.

"Brittany S Pierce!" Coach Sylvester shouted into her megaphone. The blonde rushed to the center of the gym. Where she began a routine she had obviously practiced a million times over the summer. Not a step was out of place. She ended with a front flip. Leaving the cheerios in the room blown away. Santana herself was blown away. She looked over at Quinn, who also looked impressed.

"Wow. She was amazing-" Santana breathed. Quinn elbowed her in the hip.

"WE are the amazing ones." Quinn growled. "After I got pregnant I was on the bottom, now I'm on top again. We can't let her ruin this for me."

"She doesn't look like a threat, Quinn." Santana said, looking at Brittany who was heading for the girls locker room.

Quinn followed Brittany into the locker room. Santana muttered something under her breath and followed after Quinn.

"Hello there." Quinn greeted Brittany as Brittany took a drink from her water bottle. "I'm Quinn. This is Santana. We're the head cheerios."

"Hi! That's really cool! I'm Brittany." Brittany rejoiced.

"What are you looking for here? to be popular? to become head cheerio?" Quinn scowled

"No not at all! I just want a few friends and to become a cheerio because I love dancing!" Brittany explained.

Quinn opened her mouth to speak but the bell interrupted her. She spun, whipping her hair towards Brittany's face and walking out of the locker room. Santana gave Brittany a soft apologetic smile and followed after Quinn.

"We're inviting her out to breadstix. All three of us. I need to know more about her and her motives." Quinn stated.

"Quinn, she just told you that she joined cheerios because she liked dancing. She's not trying to ruin your reputation. Besides, I thought you didn't care about your reputation after Beth?" Santana puzzled on where Quinn stood. Last year Quinn had it all, then she got pregnant and lost it all. She understood what it was like for people who had no reputation, people who got slushied and pushed into lockers. They decided to be rude to the people who deserved it, but when Quinn got her body back into shape and her life back together, Sylvester let her back on the cheerios and she became head cheerio with Santana again. She continued to be rude to people who deserved it, but now it seems like the old Quinn is back.

"Everyone cares about reputation, Santana, You out of all people should know that. You didn't tell anyone you were a lesbian because you were scared you'd be treated differently and lose your popular girl rep." Quinn said.

"I didn't come out earlier because I was afraid I wouldn't be accepted, and that-" Santana sighed. "But look, you don't even know her yet. Don't accuse her of anything yet. She's a great dancer and we could use her on the team too." She smiled reassuringly  " No one on the team can do a front flip." Santana joked earning a brief grin from Quinn.

Quinn rolled her eyes. "That's why I said we are inviting her out to breadstix. To get to know her and her motives." Quinn shifted her weight onto her other foot when Santana stared longingly at her. "Alright, alright. Fine! I'll lay off until I know for sure she's a threat."

Santana smiled. "Thank you."

"When'd you get so soft?" Quinn teased.

"I am anything but soft. I'm just being fair." Santana groused.

"soft." Quinn teased.

Santana pushed Quinn playfully as they were walking to class.

That's it. That's the first chapter! Next chapter Quinn and Santana find out if Brittany made it onto the Cheerios or not! They also find out more about Brittany.

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