Chapter 21

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Santana woke up to a knocking on her bedroom door. She heard her door open then her curtains open and the sun shone through her eyelids. Santana groaned and put her head under her pillow to block the light. Brittany giggled.  Santana lifted her head up and looked over at the tall blonde who had a bag in her hand and was in a Christmas snowsuit that had reindeers on them, she had a red beanie on. She looked adorable, on the other hand. Santana was wearing a black long sleeved shirt with zebra printed pajama pants and her hair was a mess. "How did you get here?" Santana asked groggily. Her voice was very raspy in the morning and Brittany loved it.

"I walked." Brittany stated, sitting down on Santana's bed.

Santana laid her head back onto her pillow. "In the cold? Why are you here? It's like 7 in the morning."

"Actually, it's 11 and I'm here because it's Christmas! I talked to your mom and my mom and you're going to spend the day with us! We're going to meet my mom at the park to go sled riding with Sofia. Then we're going back to my house to watch the polar express and drink hot chocolate and cookies. Oh and the best part! we can open our presents together!" Brittany squealed.

"Hold on. Hold on, too many words at one time." Santana sat up and stretched. "My mom agreed to spend Christmas with your mom?"

"Yes." Brittany answered.

"Where is my mom now?" Santana asked.

"Downstairs. She said she was making cookies to bring over to my house after we go sled riding." Brittany said.

"So she's not going sled riding with us?" Santana asked.

Brittany shook her head. "She said she didn't like the snow, but she will be watching the movie with my family at my house and opening presents with us."

"Wow. Did our parents become best friends?" Santana asked.

"I think so. It's amazing! oh and I got you something." Brittany gave Santana the Santa Claus decorated gift bag.

Santana rubbed her eyes before taking the gift bag. She reached in it and pulled out a sweater and a snow suit. The sweater was exactly like Brittany's and the snow suit was all black.

"I got us matching Christmas sweaters!" Brittany exclaimed.

Santana smiled. "Thank you, baby." She put the bag on her floor and leaned over to give Brittany a kiss.

"You have morning breath." Brittany giggled.

"Sorry." Santana sat back down and pulled her shirt off.

"Don't worry, I like-" Brittany's eyes widened at the Latina who was in only a bra and pants now. Brittany wanted to look the other way but her eyes were glued to Santana's body that got covered again when she put the sweater on. She pulled her hair out from under her shirt, her hair was so long but tangled. Brittany cleared her throat and got up. "Well, um, you should get changed. I will leave you to do that." Brittany walked out of Santana's room.

"Okay." Santana chuckled, getting out of her bed and getting jeans from her dresser. She got changed into them and threw her pj pants into her hamper. She put the snowsuit over her clothes. She brushed her hair real quick and left her room and walked downstairs, she walked into the kitchen and found her mom and Brittany looking at something while cookies were baking. "What are you guys doing?" Santana asked.

"I was just showing Brittany pictures of you as a kid." Maribel turned to the next page in the album. "Oh and here's when Santana went as uncle Jesse from full house when she was eight for Halloween."

Brittany giggled. "That's great."

Santana's face heated up. "Well, um, Brittany we should head to the park. We don't want to keep your mom and sister waiting."

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