Chapter 8

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"Hey." Santana said, stopping in front of Brittany's locker.

"Hi." Brittany looked over at the Latina.

"I had my first therapy appointment Saturday." Santana informed.

Brittany smiled. She wasn't happy that Santana had to go to therapy of course, she was happy that her friend was getting the help she needed and deserved. "I'm so proud of you, Santana. I know how hard that was. How was it?"

"Better than I expected. I still don't like sitting on a couch and telling someone all my secrets, but it did feel good to get it out of me." Santana sighed.

"I know. I was like that too for a while. Then I started warming up to my therapist, but now she's like my best friend. She even gives me lollipops." Brittany grinned.

Santana chuckled. "Sounds amazing."

"It really is." Brittany nodded.

Becky Jackson came up to Brittany and Santana. "Coach Sylvester needs to see you in her office now!" Becky yelled.

Brittany and Santana looked at each other, knowing exactly what the other was thinking. It was about the practice they missed Friday. They swallowed the lump in their throat and walked to Coach Sylvester's office.

They entered the room to see Quinn in a chair, they sat down in the empty chairs beside Quinn. "Ladies." Coach Sylvester started. "Would you mind explaining why you weren't at practice on Friday? And why you were auditioning for glee club?"

"Technically it was free period and we didn't miss practice. Cheer practice is after free period. You just make the Cheerios practice during free period too." Santana spoke up.

"Yeah, and we can join glee club if we wanted to. It's not against the rules for Cheerios to join other clubs." Quinn added.

"Sectionals is tomorrow. We need every minute spent practicing." Coach Sylvester growled.

"We're ready. We've been ready. You make us practice the routines two to four times daily. We promise this won't cost us sectionals." Quinn said.

"Fine, but if it does, you're all off the team." Coach Sylvester stated.

Santana shook her head. "It won't. We will win."

Coach Sylvester nodded. "Now get out of my office. You're stinking it up."

The three girls immediately got out of their chairs and left the room. When Quinn shut the door, they all let out a deep breath of relief.

"We got lucky." Quinn said.

"Not really, not unless we win sectionals. Which we will." Santana stated.

Quinn and Brittany nodded and they walked to lunch together.

Santana, Brittany, and Quinn stood beside Mr Schue as he got everyone's attention. "All right everyone, let's welcome our newest members. Santana, Quinn, and Brittany!"

The room went silent until Tina got up from her seat and spoke up. "Are you serious? Santana and Quinn spent all of freshman year making fun of my stutter and Rachel's outfits!"

"It's hard not to when she dresses like that, and your stutter was fake." Santana stated.

Brittany nudged Santana. "Okay. Look, I'm sorry. I'll try to be nicer from now on."

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