Chapter 20

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"Are you sad that we lost Regionals?" Brittany asked while she put an ordainment on the small Christmas tree Finn got for the choir room.

"No, not really. We have next year. Besides, it's my first Christmas with you." Santana smiled at the blonde. "Are you?"

Brittany shook her head. "No, It's Christmas! You can't be sad on Christmas."

Rachel started singing a Christmas song and everyone joined in, including Santana. Normally Santana would be annoyed that they just burst into song but it was Christmas and Christmas is Santana's favorite Holliday. Brittany and Santana danced together around the room but were interrupted by the bell. "See you guys later." Artie said, rolling out of the classroom. Santana connected pinkies with Brittany and left the choir room.

"So, what are you asking Santa for?" Brittany asked Santana as they walked down the hallway.

"What?" Santana looked at Brittany in disbelief and confusion.

"I'm asking for Lord tubbington to quit smoking." Brittany said, stopping in front of her first period. "This is my class. I better go, I can't be late again. The teacher said if I was I'd get a detention. Thanks for walking me." Brittany gave Santana a kiss on the cheek and walked into her classroom.

Santana was processing everything, did Brittany still believe in Santa Claus?


Santana rushed into the choir room, The glee club looked at her in confusion. She always came in with Brittany, but it was only her today. "Guys, shut up and sit down. I have to tell you something before Brittany gets here."

"Why isn't she with you?" Puck asked.

"Because I didn't go to her class to walk her here. It'll take Brittany a few minutes to get here because she'll be too busy waiting for me." Santana said.

"That's cruel." Artie commented.

"Shut up Stubbles McCripple pants. Let me finish. Brittany still believes in Santa Claus." Santana informed.

Everyone looked at Santana in disbelief. "I know. If it were anybody else I'd probably give them the cold hard truth that Santa isn't real but not Brittany and neither are any of you. Instead, you're going to help me. We're going to the mall to see 'Santa' and sit on his lap to tell him what we want."

"Okay, I'm in." Quinn said.

"Yeah, me too. It's the least I can do since Brittany is the only one that likes my clothes." Rachel said.

Everyone else was in, only because they knew they didn't have a say in it.


Brittany stood in line, she squeezed Santana's hand in excitement and looking back at the glee club who were also in line. "Thank you guys for bringing me here today." Everyone smiled and nodded. An 'elf' walked past Brittany and Brittany whispered in their ear. "Can I be honest? I don't understand the difference between an elf and a slave." Santana grabbed Brittany's arm and pulled her back into line when she seen the person was clearly annoyed with Brittany.

It was Mercedes turn and she walked up to the guy in the Santa suit and sat in his lap. "Go, Mercedes, go, Mercedes, go!" Brittany chanted.

"I've been a very good girl Santa. I want a pony, and a doll that laughs and cries and.... one of us smells like McDonald's." Mercedes got off his lap, walking back to the glee club.

"Santana it's your turn." Brittany squealed. "Go baby!"

Santana smiled and walked up to the 'Santa' and sat on his lap. "I want bling; I can't be any more specific than that. Okay, hold up- please tell me that is a roll of certs in your pocket." Santana got off the lap in disgust and walked over to Mercedes.

Quinn was next. "Do you have anything for stretch marks?" She asked.

"I want Channing Tatum to stop being in stuff." Mike said.

"When does Asian Santa arrive?" Tina asked.

"next." the 'elf' opened the gate for Brittany to go.

"just know you have rights." Brittany whispered.

"What's your name?" The man asked.

"Brittany." Brittany answered. "You've gotten really tan."

"That's because at the North Pole there's a hole in the ozone." The man stated.

"You're amazing." Brittany laughed. "I know you're really busy, so I only want one thing for Christmas. I want my girlfriend's grandma to accept her for the way she is, because she is amazing." Brittany pointed to Santana. "That's her."

Santana's eyes widened and she stared at the man in the costume. "I'll see what I can do." He said.

"But you can do anything." Brittany stated.

"Right.. I will get onto it." He said. Brittany smiled and hugged the man before getting off of his lap and walking to her group of friends.

"I thought you were going to ask for Lord Tubbington to stop smoking?" Santana asked.

"Yeah. I was going to but then I remembered how sad you are about your abuela and I know Santa can do anything so I changed my mind and asked for that instead." Brittany explained. "Why do you look so worried?"

Santana shook her head and tried to play it off. "No reason. Come on. Let's go get hot chocolate guys.

Santana was leaning against Brittany's headboard while Brittany was drawing everyone in the glee club around a Christmas tree. "I need to talk to you about something." She broke the silence.

"What? That dolphins are just gay sharks?" Brittany asked, looking up at Santana.

"Brittany. Today, when you asked Santa for my abuela to accept me..I don't think he can do that." Santana said.

"What do you mean? Santa can do anything." Brittany stated.

"Yes. He can make toys to make little girls and boys happy, but he can't change someone's beliefs." Santana explained.

"Why not? He's magical." Brittany asked.

"He can't control another person's mind. Do you understand where I'm going with this?" Santana asked.

Brittany shook her head. "Okay. Baby, You believe that people can be with whoever they want to be with and nothing can change your mind right?"

Brittany nodded. "Well, my abuela believes that only men and women should be together and nothing can change her mind." Santana explained.

"So I won't get it for Christmas?" Brittany asked.

Santana shook her head and frowned. "I'm sorry."

Brittany sighed and crawled over to Santana. She laid her head on Santana's chest. Santana rubbed Brittany's back.

"I don't believe that. I think people can change." Brittany said.

Santana looked down at the blonde in her arms. She wished that everyone seen the world the way Brittany did. She kissed Brittany's head. "I hope you're right."

This chapter didn't turn out as I had hoped but I think it was sort of cute.

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Next chapter its Christmas Day.

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