Chapter 2

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Santana pulled into the parking lot, tightening her pony tail before getting out of her car. Quinn was at the front entrance waiting for her. She got out of her car, locked the doors and ran to the impatient blonde.

"What took you so long? You're never late." Quinn asked. Santana could tell that her friend was worried, no matter how hard she'd try to act annoyed.

"My alarm just didn't go off this morning." Santana lied.

"Your dad again?" Quinn guessed.

Santana nodded. "Yeah, they were up all night fighting."

"I'm sorry San. What were they fighting about?" Quinn frowned.

"It doesn't matter. Let's get to class." Santana said.

Quinn didn't argue with the Latina, they walked into the building together before heading separate ways to their classes. After math, Santana met Quinn at her locker.

"Awh how sweet. You have a picture of me in your locker." Quinn teased.

"I have a picture of all my friends in my locker, so don't think you're special." Santana rolled her eyes.

"Wow, so am I your only friend? besides you. Considering you only have pictures of yourself and me? That's sad, even for you." Quinn joked.

"You wish. I'm one of the most popular girls in school, and the hottest. I could have all the friends I wanted, but 98% of the people in this school are losers and I don't become friends with losers." Santana stated.

"So I'm assuming the 2% is us?" Quinn guessed.

"No, Me and snixx." Santana smirked.

"You're snixx, that doesn't count." Quinn complained.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Fabgay!" Santana shouted as she walked away from Quinn.


Santana sat down beside Quinn and the cheerios at lunch. Quinn was talking to Hannah and a few other cheerios about her relationship with Puck.

Brittany walked over to their table, she was in a cheerios outfit and she had a high pony tail. She looked amazing in the outfit. "Hi! I'm an official cheerio now!" Brittany rejoiced. "May I sit?"

The cheerios didn't answer, ignoring the blonde completely. Santana scooted over closer to Quinn, giving Brittany space to sit. Brittany smiled at Santana and sat. "Thank you, Santana." She whispered. Santana simply nodded and returned her focus to Quinn and the rest of the cheerios who were now making fun of Rachel Berry's outfit.

"Her reindeer sweaters are just awful." Aubrie mocked.

"Oh I know right! She dresses like a toddler!" Santana joined in, laughing.

"I don't know, I kind of like them." Brittany admitted.

The cheerios stared at her, rolling their eyes and going back to their conversation. The bell rang and everyone got up, the cafeteria immediately getting chaotic when everyone started to get up from their seats. Santana walked out of the cafeteria side by side with Quinn. "See ya at Cheer practice." Quinn waved as they went their separate ways.


Santana walked into the hot gym where all the cheerios were stretching. Santana went over to Quinn by the bleachers; where they always stretched. "After this, we're inviting the new girl to breadstix." Quinn informed Santana.

"I thought you were going to lay off until you know more about her?" Santana asked.

"How do I find out more about her if I don't talk to her?" Quinn puzzled.

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