Chapter 16

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The glee club were talking about Halloween that was coming up in a week.

"What are you going to be for Halloween Brittany?" Kurt asked.

"I'm going as a peanut allergy." Brittany answered.

"I'm going as Queen of hearts and Quinn is going as the white queen." Rachel said.

"Aren't they sisters?" Mike asked.

Rachel's eyes widened and she looked at Quinn. "What?! You never told me that!"

"Sisters by chance, lovers by choice." Santana commented.

Everyone began to laugh, including Quinn. Rachel stood there in disbelief.

"I'm going as KISS with Puck, Artie, Matt, and Mike if he decides to." Finn interrupted.

"Awh, that's too bad. Frankenstein would've been perfect for you." Santana said.

"What are you going as Santana?" Brittany asked.

"I don't think I'm going to dress up." Santana answered.

"What?! Santana you have to! It's Halloween!" Brittany yelled.

"I don't know, Santana's already scary. She doesn't need a costume." Artie commented.

Brittany pushed Artie's wheel chair gently. "No she's not!"

"I find that more offensive than Artie's comment." Santana stated.

"We are going Halloween shopping this weekend. You and me. You are dressing up." Brittany pointed at Santana.

Santana groaned. "Do I even have a say in this?"

"No, you don't." Brittany said honestly.


Santana and Brittany were walking around a costume store. Brittany gasped, finding a Santa and reindeer costume. "Santana! I could be a reindeer and you could be Santa!"

"It's Halloween, not Christmas. Why would I be something that has to do with Christmas on Halloween?" Santana shook her head.

Brittany ran over to another costume. "We could be Winnie and the Pooh!"

"Absolutely not." Santana said.

"What about bacon and eggs?" Brittany asked.

"No, we can't wear the same costumes as Quinn and Rachel." Santana replied.

Brittany looked at Santana with confusion. "Quinn will be bacon and Rachel will be eggs." Santana explained.

"I thought they were going as the queen of hearts and the white queen." Brittany said, still confused.

"Never mind." Santana stated.

Brittany found another costume. "Devil and angels?"

Santana stared at the costumes for a while before nodding. "Okay, I could be down with that."

"Yay!" Brittany exclaimed. They bought the costumes and went home to try them on.

"Come on, come out. I'm sure it's not that bad!" Brittany said, knocking on her bathroom door that Santana was in.

Santana opened the door. She had a red suit on, a black headband with horns on it, and a red tail behind her. Brittany giggled at her girlfriend in front of her. "Is it really that bad?" Santana asked.

"No! It's absolutely adorable! I love it! And you look hot in the suit." Brittany exclaimed.

"Sure?" Santana asked.

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