Chapter 10

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Tw: alcohol


It was Saturday and Santana was getting ready to go to Rachel's party. Her dads were out of town for the week and Puck convinced her to throw a party. She invited only the glee club. Santana knew it was probably going to be very boring, but Brittany wanted to go. Santana put on a blue dress with black stripes. She put a headband in her hair and black heels. She waited for Finn, who was everyone's designated driver.

Finn's car pulled into Santana's drive way. Santana gave her mom a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be home by 11."

"Good. Stay safe and have fun!" Maribel said.

"I will. Love you ma!" Santana yelled before closing the door and running to Finn's car. Finn opened the car door for her. She thanked him and got in the back. Mercedes was in the front seat, Quinn and Brittany were in the back. Santana sat beside Brittany. Kurt was driving Mike, Tina, Matt and Puck. Artie had to get a ride with his dad. Santana looked over at Brittany who was wearing a grey shirt, a black skirt, a black hat, and black boots. Quinn was wearing a pink dress with a jean jacket.

The group arrived at Rachel's house. Finn opened the door for Mercedes, then the door for Quinn, Santana, and Brittany. Everyone got out and knocked on Rachel's door. Rachel opened the door, clearly drunk.

"Hey guys! Took you long enough. Come on. Come in. Puck broke into my dads liquor cabinet so dig in." Rachel slurred.

Everyone went downstairs to Rachel's basement. Mike was dancing with Tina, Matt was playing darts with Puck, Artie was watching Mike and Tina and cheering for them.  Quinn joined in on the fun, pouring herself a glass. Kurt and Finn decided to stay away from the alcohol so there was no temptations. They sat on a couch and talked to each other.

An hour after karaoke songs and dancing, Rachel grabbed the mic and screamed into it. "Who wants to play spin the bottle?!"

Everyone cheered and quickly gathered into a circle. Kurt and Finn decided it wouldn't hurt to play. Rachel put a bottle in the middle of the circle and sat down beside Santana and Tina. Artie went first, Rachel spun for him since he couldn't reach the bottle on the ground from his wheelchair. The bottle spun and stopped on Brittany. Brittany got up, stumbling over to Artie. She leaned over and kissed him. Everyone clapped and Brittany sat back down next to Matt and Mike.

Quinn was next. She spun the bottle and watched it until it stopped. It landed on Kurt. "Yeah, I think I'm actually going to stay out for this one." Kurt said.

Quinn spun again. It landed on Rachel this time. Rachel and Quinn stared at each other and shrugged, so drunk that they didn't care. Quinn leaned forward and connected their lips. The kiss deepened when they both realized they liked the feeling. Everyone cheered. When Rachel and Quinn started making out Finn spoke up. "Alright. Alright. That's enough."

Quinn and Rachel parted and Quinn sat back down on her knees. "My turn!" Mercedes said. She spun the bottle and it landed on Mike. They shared a small peck on the lips. Tina scowled.

Matt spun next, the bottle landing on Quinn. The two kissed. Quinn pulled away when she realized she liked the feeling of Rachel's lips instead.

It was Brittany's turn. She clapped in excitement and spun the bottle. It landed on Santana. She stared at the Latina. Santana got up. "This is stupid." She said. "I'm not playing anymore."

Brittany looked down at the floor.

"Why not? It's just a kiss." Rachel said.

"Exactly, just a kiss." Santana muttered and sat on the couch, watching the group continue on with the game.

Mike spun and it landed on Finn. Everybody booed when they both backed out of it. Mike spun again and it landed on Rachel. Rachel and Mike shared a small peck on the lips.

Puck went and got Artie, they backed out too. Earning more boos. Puck got Tina and they kissed briefly. Mike immediately breaking them up when their lips met. Rachel went and got Matt. Tina got Brittany and went through with it. Brittany pulled away after a small peck. Finn got Mercedes and went through with it. Rachel didn't feel any jealously rise when the two kissed. Instead she couldn't help but stare at Quinn.

A lot of feelings were discovered that night, but everyone decided to blame it on the alcohol. Finn thought it was best if they called it a night. It was already 10:30 and had promised a lot of parents to have everyone home by 11. He helped the four drunk teenagers to his car. Mercedes sat in the front again. Quinn, Santana and Brittany flopped into the back seats. Santana leaned on the door when Finn shut it, Quinn leaned against Brittany. Brittany and Quinn joked about random things but mostly ducks. Santana cried because she thought about birds eating worms.

Finn dropped off Mercedes, Brittany and Quinn first. Santana was the last stop. He got out of the car and opened the door. He helped Santana out of the car. Santana started crying because she missed the car door's support.

"Okay. You're smashed." Finn mumbled.

"I'm fine." Santana muttered.

"I'm only trying to help, Santana." Finn reasoned.

"I don't need your help!" Santana slurred, staggering to her front door.

"You're welcome for the ride?" Finn scoffed.

Santana opened the door and nearly fell. She shut it as quiet as possible and kicked off her shoes. She wobbled up the stairs to her room. She shut her door slowly and stumbled into bed. Immediately passing out.

This chapter was funny to me, especially with all the different kisses. Anywho, that's it for today! Next chapter it's Monday and the glee club are still a little hungover from the party

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