Chapter 12

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Santana sat down beside Quinn again in glee club. Quinn shook her head. "What?" Santana asked.

"You have been avoiding her all week, Santana. It isn't fair to her. The poor girl looks like she hasn't slept at all. Coach Sylvester keeps making her sit out on practice, soon she's going to get kicked off the Cheerios. She's probably too busy thinking about what she did wrong to focus on dancing." Quinn stated. "You owe her an explanation."

Santana looked back at Brittany. She did look as if she hasn't slept in a while. She had bags under her eyes and her pony tail was messy. Santana turned back to Quinn and sighed.

"What about you and Rachel?" Santana asked.

"What about us?" Quinn questioned.

"Come on, Quinn. It's obvious you like her. You're always looking at her." Santana pointed out.

"I don't know. I don't know how I feel, I've never been with a girl." Quinn replied.

"Neither has she. She likes you too, I can tell. She looks at you when you're not looking at her." Santana informed. "Here. I'll make you a deal. If you tell Rachel how you feel about her, I'll tell Brittany why I've been avoiding her. Which is the same thing. Feelings." Santana offered.

"But I've only known Rachel for 2 weeks. You've know Brittany for 4 weeks." Quinn said.

"So? What do you like about her?" Santana asked.

Quinn let out a long sigh. "Her laugh, her eyes, her voice, she's actually really sweet. When we were practicing for our mash up she kept complimenting my voice. She's surprisingly funny. She talks a lot but about really interesting things. She isn't as annoying as she seems. Her dads are really funny too."

"And you said I was whipped." Santana muttered under her breath.

"See. It seems you know a lot about her, and you like her for who she is. Even if she's an annoying troll. That's all that matters." Santana said.

Quinn rolled her eyes and nodded. "Okay. You've got yourself a deal."

Santana clapped in excitement. "Yay!"

Quinn pushed Santana's seat away with her foot. Santana chuckled and scooted her seat back to where it was before.


Santana put on a plain red shirt with jeans. She was getting ready to go to Brittany's house and explain herself, When someone knocked on her door. "Come in, ma!" Santana said.

The door opened and a tall blonde came in. Santana was shocked to see Brittany. It was the first time Brittany was ever in her room. Santana wondered how Brittany got her address. Then it hit her: Quinn. Brittany shut Santana's door and stood in front of it. "Hi." Santana broke the silence.

"Hi." Brittany said.

"What are you doing here?" Santana asked.

Brittany grabbed Santana by the wrist and sat them both on her bed. "Why have you been avoiding me?" Brittany asked.

Santana opened her mouth to speak and Brittany interrupted. "All week long. If I walked near you, you'd leave. If I tried to sit by you, you'd sit somewhere else. 14 unanswered messages. 2 miscalls. Did I do something wrong? Everyone thinks I'm stupid, but I'm not Santana. I'm not." Brittany started to tear up. "Was it because spin the bottle? Because it's just a game. We were drunk and we didn't even kiss so please. Explain to me because I am going insane."

"I know you're not stupid, Brittany. You didn't do anything wrong. It was all me. You're perfect. Too perfect it scared me. Before you came to my school I was just this stuck up popular bitch. I thought I had everything. But when you came into my life, I realized I didn't have to hide behind a mask. That I could be myself. When you came into my life I realized I didn't have everything. I was missing love. Brittany I avoided you because I was scared. I was scared to admit that I do have feelings for you. But I have to accept that I love you. I love you and it's so scary. I've only known you for a few weeks and I feel so attached to you. I feel as if there's this invisible tether. I was afraid you didn't feel the same way." Santana explained, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry brit-"

Brittany pressed her lips against Santana's, shutting the Latina up. They shared a soft slow kiss with a lot of feelings involved. Brittany pressed her forehead against Santana's. "Stop locking your feelings up." Brittany whispered.

Santana looked into the blue eyes in front of her. "I can't."

"I'm not asking you to let everyone in your walls. I know how scary it is. Some people you let in and they break everything and then leave, but that's not me. I won't do that to you, Santana. But, you don't have to let me in now, or in a month, or in a year, but eventually I want you to. I want you to trust me enough to let me in and we can stay inside your walls together. Whenever you're ready."

"Promise?" Santana asked.

"I pinky promise." Brittany stated. She lifted up her pinky and connected it to Santana's.

"You really are perfect." Santana smiled.

Brittany disconnected their foreheads and pushed a strand of Santana's hair behind her ear. "I just really love you." She murmured.

"Love?" Santana asked.

"Love." Brittany nodded.

A grin grew onto Santana's face. Brittany looked around. "Nice room." She commented.

Santana rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Is that a skateboard?!" Brittany gasped at the skateboard in the corner of Santana's room. "Santana Lopez, you didn't tell me you skate!"

"That's because I don't. I never learned how." Santana explained.

Brittany smirked and raised her eyebrows. "I can teach you."

"You know how to skate?" Santana asked.

"Yes I do!" Brittany replied.

Santana shook her head. "No, no. I'll fall and die."

Brittany grabbed Santana's hands. "Please! I'll take you to breadstix and then teach you how to skateboard after. It'll be our first date!"

"Is this you asking me on a date?" Santana smiled.

Brittany got off of Santana's bed and got down on one knee. "Santana Diabla Lopez, Will you go on a date with me?"

"Oh my god. You are so extra." Santana laughed.

"I'm proposing a date. All you have to do is say yes or no." Brittany said.

"Yes! Duh." Santana rolled her eyes.

Brittany got up and cheered. Santana took the chance she was given and tickled Brittany's armpits. Brittany squealed and put her arms down. She got revenge and started tickling Santana's stomach. Santana screamed and fell back onto her bed. Brittany continued to tickle the Latina.

"Stop! Stop! I'm sorry! I surrender!" Santana yelled.

Brittany stopped tickling Santana and gave her a small kiss. "Your laugh is beautiful."

That's the end of this chapter! I'm sorry you guys had to wait 12 chapters for a kiss! It killed me too, but I think it was worth it.

Next chapter Brittany takes Santana out on a date. (Also kinda Santana takes Brittany on a date because Brittany can't drive LMAOO. It's the effort that counts though)

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