Chapter 18

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Santana woke up at 12 in the morning to a text message.


If it was anyone else, Santana would murder them. Instead she smiled and texted Brittany back.

To: Britt
Thx Britt

<3 night!

She put her phone back onto her night stand and rolled over into her bed.
Santana has gotten a few 'Happy birthdays' as she walked into the school. She was surprised that people knew her birthday was today, but she thanked them and went on with her day. She opened her locker and got her stuff for History when she felt arms wrap around her from behind. She jumped at the contact before looking back and seeing Brittany. She relaxed into her arms. "Happy birthday!" Brittany squeezed Santana.

"Thank you, Britt-Britt." Santana smiled, turning around to face Brittany.

"I got you something!" Brittany said, pulling a small box that was wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper. "We only had Christmas wrapping paper." Brittany frowned.

Santana chuckled and took the gift. "It's okay."

"Open it!" Brittany squealed.

Santana ripped the wrapping paper off and opened the box, inside was a bracelet with an infinity charm. She pulled it out of the box. "I have a matching one!" Brittany showed Santana the matching bracelet with the same charm on her wrist.

Santana felt that warm fuzzy feeling in her heart and smiled softly. "I love it, thank you Brittany." Santana gave Brittany a kiss. Brittany put the bracelet on Santana.

"Can I walk you to class?" Brittany asked.

"I normally walk you to class?" Santana questioned.

"I know, but I want to walk you today." Brittany said.

"Do you know where my classes are?" Santana asked.

Brittany shook her head. Santana laughed. "I appreciate the offer, Brittany. It's very sweet and adorable, but I think we should stick to me walking you to class, that way you're not late."

Brittany nodded in agreement and Santana connected their pinkies, walking her girlfriend to class.


Brittany sat down by Santana at lunch. "Hi birthday girl." Brittany said.

Santana looked over at the blonde. "Hi babe."

Quinn sat down with Rachel. "Happy birthday, S"

"Yeah, happy birthday Santana." Rachel said.

"It's Santana's birthday?" Puck asked.

"It's not a big deal, it's just a day I got brought into the world against my will." Santana said simply.

"And thank god you did." Brittany kissed Santana's cheek, causing her cheeks to go red.

"Well, happy birthday." Puck said.

"Happy birthday, Satan." Kurt and Mercedes said together.

"Thank you guys." Santana smiled.


Everyone got up from their seats but Santana. They walked to the front of the class and stood facing Santana. "What the hell is going on?" Santana asked.

"This is for you!" Brittany exclaimed.

The glee club started to sing "Happy birthday" to Santana. Santana covered her face with her hands. When the song was over she put her hands down and shook her head, she would pretend to hate the performance if Brittany wasn't also singing it. She clapped and smiled. "Thank you."

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