Chapter 22

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Italics are flash backs
"Happy Valentine's Day." Brittany said, walking over to Santana with her laptop.

Santana looked down at the laptop. "You're giving me your computer for Valentine's Day?" She asked, confused.

"It's a playlist with all the songs I hear in my head when I'm with you or when I'm thinking about you. I wanted to make you a CD for Valentine's Day, but this is as far as I got without any help so." Brittany explained.

Santana felt her cheeks go hot and a smile plaster her face. Her stomach turned and she had that warm fuzzy feeling in her heart.

"Oh and I made you a cover." Brittany turned around so they both were looking at the laptop. She pressed her body up against Santana and Santana's stomach swarmed with butterflies. Santana looked at the playlist. It had the songs Purple people eater, disco ducks, monster mash, on top of spaghetti, pac-man fever, osama yo' mama, different strokes theme song, songbird, Valerie, and landslide. Santana didn't understand how most of those songs reminded Brittany of her but she couldn't help but melt.

"Thank you." Santana said.

"You're welcome." Brittany murmured.

Santana leaned in for a kiss, Brittany met half way and their lips connected. Santana brushed their noses together once their lips parted.


Everyone was sitting in their seats in glee club. Santana was so nervous about what she was about to do. Mr. Schue walked into the classroom. "Before I start, Santana has asked to sing something." Mr. Schue looked over at Santana who was playing with her ear. Santana got up and nodded, walking to the front of the classroom. She cleared her throat and fixed her posture. She nodded at the band and they started playing the song 'If I ain't got you' by Alicia Keys. Santana began to sing the words to Brittany.

When she finished the song, Brittany got up from her seat, clapping and cheering. She walked down to Santana and pulled her in for a hug. Brittany gave Santana a peck on the lips. "I loved it. It was beautiful, thank you." Brittany whispered. Santana's cheeks were rose pink. She nodded and took Brittany's hand, leading them back to their chairs so they weren't taking up any more time.

Santana was doodling in her school notebook instead of taking notes while sweet valley high played in the background. She heard a knock on the door downstairs. She groaned and got up, leaving her room and walked downstairs. "Ma, you really gotta stop leaving your keys!" Santana whined while opening up the door.

"Sorry, I'm not your mom and I didn't leave my keys." Brittany said.

Santana's expression changed when she seen and heard Brittany. She cleared her voice and fixed her posture. "Hi Britt! What are you doing here?"

Brittany pulled a rose from behind her back. "I couldn't find any lilies on such short notice." She frowned.

A smile plastered Santana's face, she took the rose from Brittany. "Thank you, Brittany, but wait, why would you get me lilies?"

"They're the lesbian of flowers."  Brittany explained.

Santana giggled and nodded. "That makes sense. Well, don't just stand out there." Santana moved out of the way and let Brittany inside.  Brittany walked in and they walked up to Santana's room. "Did you walk again?" Santana asked, sitting on her bed and twirling the rose.

"Yeah. It's cold out there." Brittany rubbed her hands together to warm them up. Santana could tell something was off with Brittany. She seemed... sad, and usually she didn't care about how cold it was.

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