Chapter 14

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Monday, October 4th

Santana looked over at Quinn and Rachel in the choir room. They were sitting together and holding hands. "When did that happen?" Brittany asked Santana, looking at the same thing.

"Rachel's party." Santana answered.

"The kiss?" Brittany question.

Santana nodded. "You know, I actually kinda like them together. They're both drama queens."

Brittany laughed. Mr. Schue came into the room and everyone's attention went onto him. He wrote the word 'homecoming' on the whiteboard. Everyone cheered. "Homecoming is this Saturday! Principal Figgins has asked us to sing." Mr. Schue grabbed papers off of the piano and passed them out to everyone. "These are the songs we'll be performing."

Santana looked down at the list. The songs were; call me maybe, mr. bright side, home, and need you now. They were good songs. "I love these songs!" Brittany cheered.

"Everyone will get the chance to dance with their dates. Brittany, Quinn, Rachel, Finn, Tina you'll be singing 'call me maybe'."

"Yes!!" Brittany clapped. Santana chuckled.

"Puck, Finn, Artie, you'll be singing mr bright side." Mr. Schue continued. "Kurt, Santana, Rachel, Finn, and Quinn. You'll be singing home. Thank you Puck and Mercedes for volunteering to sing need you now so everyone could dance with their dates."

Santana tuned out Mr. Schue's voice once he started ranting about sectionals that was this month.

Santana walked over to Quinn's locker. "Are you and gay Berry a thing now?" Santana asked.

Quinn sighed. "I don't know. I told her how I felt and she told me she felt the same way, now we hold hands and kiss but we haven't talked about what we are."

Santana leaned against the locker next to Quinn. "We are yet again in the same situation, Fabgay."

"You and Brittany aren't dating?" Quinn asked.

"I don't know. Like I said, we're in the same situation. Brittany and I haven't talked about our relationship." Santana explained.

"How do we, the hottest bitches in the school, end up here? We used to mess around with other girls boyfriends and now we're confused about where we stand in a relationship. I never in a million years thought I would have that problem." Quinn said.

Santana nodded in agreement. "Let's get to Cheerios practice before Coach Sylvester kills us."

Tuesday, October 5th

Santana was lying on her stomach on her bed, she was doing her homework. Her phone started vibrating. Santana looked over at it and seen Quinn calling. She grabbed her phone and answered the call. "What is it Barbie?" Santana asked.

"Hello to you too, Santana ." Quinn said.

Santana sighed and put her pencil down. "Hi. So are you going to tell me what you want or?"

"Rachel asked me to homecoming." Quinn informed.

"Cool. Is that all?" Santana asked.

"Uh... she asked me to be her girlfriend?" Quinn added.

"Nice, well if that's all, can I go back to studying?" Santana asked.

"Aren't you going to say congratulations? Or I'm happy for you?" Quinn scoffed.

"Sorry, I am happy for you, Quinn." Santana said.

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