Chapter 9

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"And First place all the way from Lima Ohio, Cheerios!" The judge yelled.

Everyone cheered, including the Cheerios. Everyone gathered together and hugged one another. Santana jumped into Brittany's arms in excitement. Brittany caught her and held her. "We won!!" Brittany yelled to Santana over the noise. Santana wrapped her arms around Brittany's neck and looked at her, a huge grin on her face. She rested her head on Brittany's shoulder.

"We won." She whispered.

Santana got off of Brittany after a few minutes and turned to Quinn, wrapping her arms around her best friend and squeezing her. Brittany joined in and the three shared a group hug. "We did it!" Quinn screamed. Everyone shared high fives and more hugs.

The Cheerios returned to school, they walked through the hallways getting high fives from everyone. Including the glee club. Brittany gave each person a high five. Santana had to admit, it wasn't the winning that made her happy today. It was the happiness on Brittany's face. It was sharing a memorable moment with her best friends. It was looking forward to Regionals with them by her side.

Everyone calmed down and returned to their classes. Santana, Brittany and Quinn still received congratulations and high fives in the hallways during the school day.  During glee club they congratulated the three Cheerios. Tina and puck also performed their mash up. They sang talking to the moon and get you. Matt and Kurt performed their mash up before the glee club meeting ended too. Mr. Schue didn't seem to know the songs they sung, most likely because they weren't older songs.

Santana walked into her kitchen to get something to drink after studying and found her dad. He was never home, Santana was shocked to see him. She snapped out of it and opened her mouth to speak. "Hi Papa. I didn't hear your car. I thought you were working."

Carlos, her father, didn't say anything.

"Is ma working?" Santana asked.

"What do you want, Santana?" Carlos asked.

Santana cleared her throat. "Uh, we won at sectionals."

Carlos continued to drink his coffee.

"Aren't you proud of me? Isn't this what you wanted? For me to be in cheer?" Santana asked. "For me to act more like a 'girl'?"

Santana scoffed at the silence. She left the kitchen and ran up to her room.

I'm so sorry that part of the chapter was sort of rushed. The chapter isn't over yet, the next part of the chapter it's Wednesday instead of Tuesday. There will be 3 days in this chapter, if that makes sense.
The Cheerios were still excited about winning sectionals. Everyone was talking about it at lunch. Brittany stared at the glee club all sitting together, everyone but Quinn, Santana and her. She turned to Santana. "Why don't we ever sit with the glee club at lunch?" Brittany asked.

"Are you kidding? We're lucky enough that we don't get slushied just for being in the club. We won sectionals yesterday. We're winners. If we sit with them, we'll be losers. It's not worth it." Santana said.

"I think it is. I'd rather have a drink thrown into my face with my friends and be happy than to be popular and pretend to be happy. I know you would too. I see how happy you are when you're in the choir room. I think being happy and doing what you love is the only true way of winning." Brittany ranted, getting up and leaving the Cheerios table. She sat down next to Kurt at the glee club table.

Quinn looked at Brittany, then Santana. "What was that about?" Quinn asked.

Santana didn't answer, she stared at the blonde who was at a different table. Santana was still processing everything that happened.

Santana entered the choir room. She sat beside Brittany and turned in her chair to face her. "I'm sorry." Santana said.

"Why?" Brittany asked.

Santana looked around at everyone talking to each other to make sure no one was listening. "I should've gotten up and joined you and the glee club at lunch." Santana cleared her throat. "The truth is, I really do like it in here. In this room I feel like I don't have to be anyone I'm not. You, and the glee club, make me feel that way. Like I'm enough." Santana admitted.

Brittany felt a warm fuzzy feeling in her heart. She smiled. "It's because you are enough. No one said anything when I moved tables because no one cared."

"It's different for me. People will think of me as a traitor. Aubrie already gives me mean looks. If I sit with the glee club at lunch, I'll be practically begging for public humiliation." Santana explained.

"Who cares about what Aubrie thinks? She's only a girl. She'll get over it. Your opinion on yourself is the only important one, and,"Brittany grabbed Santana's hands, causing Santana's stomach to turn. "If you do get slushied, I'll be there to help clean you off. If you get pushed into lockers, I'll be there to catch you." Brittany took her hand and rubbed her thumb across Santana's cheek, wiping the tear that was falling.

Brittany leaned in and gave Santana a hug, pulling away once Mr. Schue came in and told Mercedes and Finn to do their mash up whenever they were ready.

After school Santana went to Brittany's house, they practiced their mash up until Santana had to go home.

I really enjoyed writing that part of this chapter. Lots of fluff :) this is the last part of the chapter. It's now Thursday and the girls perform their mash up.

Brittany and Santana performed their mash up. Santana loved dancing and singing with Brittany. Mr. Schue loved the songs, so did Rachel. Brittany and Santana bowed together once the song was over and everyone was clapping. They went back to their seats and sat down. Rachel and Quinn pulled out stools. They sat beside each other and the music began. They sang I feel pretty/unpretty. It was calming and a good way to end the glee club meeting. When the song ended, Rachel and Quinn shared a hug. Santana stared at her best friend in confusion.

That's it! I hope you enjoyed! I know it wasn't the best chapter. I'm sorry about that, hopefully the next chapter will be better. Next Rachel throws a party

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