Chapter 11

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Santana has had an headache all weekend. Everything was loud. Each locker shutting sounded like a gun shot. Students talking sounded like screaming. The school bell sounded as if someone were playing trumpets in her ears. She knew cheer and glee practice were going to be the worst of them all. Listening to Mr. Schue talk was already like a hangover. Now that she's literally hung over, it's going to be much worse, and dancing at cheer practice is going to suck for Quinn, Santana and Brittany.

Santana looked at a photo of her and Brittany at sectionals she put in her locker. They haven't talked since Saturday. She slowly shut her locker and walked to class.

During math and science Santana could feel Brittany's eyes on her. Santana looked behind her and Brittany waved. Santana turned back to her papers.
Santana entered the choir room, instead of sitting beside Brittany, she sat beside Quinn. Quinn looked at Santana. "What the hell?" Quinn said.

"What?" Santana asked.

"Why aren't you sitting with Brittany?" Quinn questioned.

"Why aren't you sitting with Rachel? You guys were shoving your tongues down each other's throat's Saturday." Santana said.

Quinn stared down at the floor, causing Santana to feel bad.

"We're not talking." Santana stated.

"How come?" Quinn asked, her focus returning to the Latina. "Because spin the bottle? You guys didn't kiss."

Santana looked back at Brittany. She was sitting by herself and fidgeting with her fingers. She looked really sad. Santana frowned and turned back when Mr. Schue started talking.

Santana could tell Brittany was distracted while dancing. She kept messing up the routine at cheer practice. Coach Sylvester made her sit out because her mistakes caught the other Cheerios off guard.

Brittany tried to talk to Santana in the locker room, Santana walked away as soon as she seen Brittany walking towards her. Santana left the locker room and Brittany, making Brittany walk to her bus alone.

Brittany was walking through the halls, her brain so fogged up on reasons why Santana could be avoiding her that she forgot which way the buses were. She went to the nearest exit and walked home.


Santana sat in her bed, studying for her exams next week when her phone vibrated. She grabbed it and looked at the message from Brittany.

Why were u avoiding me at school today?

Santana put her phone back down and ignored the text, continuing to study. A few minutes later her phone vibrated again. She sighed and looked at it.

Did I do something?

Santana cleared the text and placed her phone back down. She flipped to the next page of her book.


Santana finished dinner and went back upstairs to her room. She got changed into flannel pajamas and checked her phone. There were 3 texts from Brittany. She read them all.

Can u help me with my math homework?

My mom helped me with homework. She is bad at explaining. U are better. Wish u could've helped. It's ok tho.

I just ate dinner. Normally we tell each other what we eat for dinner but u didn't Sunday or today. I ate sushi today.

Santana turned off her phone, leaving Brittany's messages on read. She brushed her teeth and got ready for bed.
Brittany pet lord tubbington. Petting her cat usually soothed her. She stared at her phone waiting for a reply. She waited for 30 minutes. Whitney knocked on Brittany's door. "Come in." Brittany said.

Whitney came in and seen Brittany still in her Cheerios uniform. "Please get ready for bed hon." Whitney said. Whitney caught Brittany petting Lord tubbington and staring at her phone. She walked over to Brittany's bed and sat on the edge of it. "What's going on?" She asked.

"Santana is avoiding me." Brittany frowned.

"Why?" Whitney asked.

Brittany looked up at her mom with sad eyes. "I don't know."

"Why don't you ask her?" Whitney suggested.

"I tried. She isn't answering." Brittany informed.

Whitney frowned and pulled her daughter in for a hug. "Friends fight all the time. It's normal. You guys will make up eventually." Whitney gave Brittany a kiss on the forehead. "Now get into some pajamas and get some sleep." Whitney left the room and shut the door behind her.

Brittany got changed into her pajamas that had butterflies all over them. She grabbed her phone and left Santana one last message.

To: Santana

Short chapter! I'm sorry! I'm allowing you to be mad at me. This chapter hurt to write.

Next chapter it's Friday and Brittany confronts Santana in person!

Ps. Did you like the pov changes I did in this chapter? Normally it's Santana's pov

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