Chapter 1: The Beginning of The End

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"I want to forget everything... I want to leave this place".

Could be heard from far away, the painful screams from men, women, children, all of them. The weather isn't helping either, the heavy rain that blew the fire away followed by the sounds of heavy footsteps running towards the center of the buildings.


"Catch him, we need to report this to the headquarter."

The Emperor sat there motionlessly, staring blankly into the ground, sword on his right hand filled with blood, his clothes were dirtied with muds, blood and drenched. Few of the soldiers kicked him until he fell onto the ground before tying him up and brought him away from the scene. The next day, the rumors spread wildly around the country. Lot of people were left shocked and scared after heard the news and could be heard words like "Can't believe we used to praise and respect him."

An old looking guy ran towards the inn holding a scroll to be given to someone. He panted as he sat on the seat in front of noble guy, handing him the scroll. The noble guy took it and opened the scroll before take a look of what inside.

"Emperor betrayed the kingdom. Accused for killing the other family members and caused trouble in the palace," read the noble guy.

The old guy who looked like his assistant started to question him.

"Did you sense something suspicious about this case, gongzi?" he asked.

The noble guy shook his head as he let his mind wandered somewhere.


[Three Months Later]



The footsteps got louder each seconds. An hideous looking man with torn shirt who seems like he just got beaten brutally by a group of people running through the woods. His bare feet started to bleeding as he kept running, hoping he find a shelter to hide in. As what he thought were far enough from the palace, he stumbled upon a huge rock near the river. He walked slowly towards the rock, head started to feel dizzy. He sat on the ground, hiding behind the rock as he panted hard. All he could think of is pain, hunger and thirst. Though the river were in front of him, he can't bring himself to get closer to the river.

"Am I going to die today?" he mumbled to himself before he let the dark take over him.

"Alright, we stop here for a while. You all go and take some rest," said the old guy.

Next to him the noble man in his clear white robes stand up straight, dominance aura took over him with the way he slowly approached the calm river. He watched as his disciples scooping the clean water and drink from it.

The old guy turned around to grab the water pouch hanged on the side of the horse and as he turned around, he found the young master was nowhere to be seen. He look around and saw the young man crouching near the big rock, looking at something. The old guy went closer to look and were surprised by the sight of injured guy laying on the ground unconscious next to the young master.

"Gongzi, be careful. Who knows if he dangerous or not?" he said.

The young master shrugged it off, "He is injured," he said softly. He is known as a quiet and cold guy which were far from the truth.

The young master took the guy's wrist and  looking for the pulse below his palm. He noticed the man still alive so he stood up and informed the old guy.

"He still alive, let's bring him back home," he said.

The old guy hesitates at first but he can't deny the instruction given so instead he bowed and called out for the disciples to lift the injured guy up and put him inside the carriage with his young master. The young master let the injured guy laying on his laps until they arrived at the Biyu Land.

As they entered the stronghold of Biyu Land, they were greet by another noble master, Wang Haikuan. Both him and the young master bowed at each other.

"Yibo, who is that?" He asked, pointed at the injured man who being lifted by the two disciples.

The young master who known as Wang Yibo stares at him expectantly.

"Xiongzhang, I found him near the Xiao Hu's river. He looked injured, so I decided to take him back," Wang Yibo said.

His brother gaze at softly as he sighed, "Sure, bring him in," he said. The disciples took the injured guy to the healer inside. Wang Yibo make another bow before he followed the disciples, as if the curiosity building inside of him.

The old guy earlier known as Wang Lin or Uncle Lin stepped closer towards the first young master.

"Gongzi, I apologise. I couldn't stop the second young master from minding others business," he said, apologetically.

Wang Haikuan shook his head "Don't worry. He still young and filled with curiosity. Let him experience while he can," he said before joined Wang Yibo into observing the injured man.


Probably the warmth in his body or the soothing voice that sang to him, but he is eager to open his eyes and figure out who's sitting next to him. As he slowly open his eyes, what used to be blurry now are focused and more clear. He was greet by the pure beauty of a young man wearing a pure white robes. As he stares at the stranger who seems to be sharing his core energy with him, eyes shut as he focused on breathing, his eyes fell on the multiples layer of robes.

"Isn't it hot?" His voice came out, hoarse than he expected. He coughed repeatedly before the young man gave him a water to drink.

The young man stares down at him, if he was careless he probably thought the young man is cold and unemotional but he is quick to caught that worried gaze on him.

"Thanks," he said after quenched his thirst.

He tried to sit up but he felt the sharp pain on his ribs and then were pushed gently to lay back on the bed by the young man himself.

"You shouldn't move too much, you are still under recovery. It may take a few days for you to recover," he said.

"And you are...?" The injured man asked.

The young man bowed slightly and introduced himself, "Wang Yibo, pleasure to meet you," he said.

The man nodded. He knew who this is, his name were on the list of nobles group. Wang Yibo, the Second Young Master of Biyu Land. Highly praised for his intelligence, humbleness and also skillful.

"Ah, me too. I'm Xi-" he halted there for a seconds.

Now that he is saved by the famous cultivator, he can't go around exposing himself to the world. Plus he just finally freed from the prison; ran away in advance. So he can't risk himself in saying his own name to this young man who have a high risk knowing him.

Incredibly, he is the Emperor of Xiao Hu clan who accused for killing his own family members and other innocent people, Xiao Zhan.

He chuckled, "I'm..." he looked around the room, finding idea on to what should he name himself. Probably he should make it less obvious anyway.

"Call me Zhan Fu," he said, looking back at Wang Yibo who stares at him deeply before nodding.

"Then Zhan gongzi, please have a rest. I will be in the room next door if you ever need me," he said.

He leaned closer to pull the blanket a bit higher so it covered most of Xiao Zhan's body. Xiao Zhan smiles at him assuredly and watched as the young man left the room. Xiao Zhan lifted the blanket a bit and stares at his half naked body wrapped with bandages around him. He pull the blanket back and sighed heavily.

"Guess I won't die that easily..." he muttered to himself.

Those he need a plan, whether an escape plan or survival plan. He let his mind wandered around before the dark took over him once again. He going to think of this tomorrow.


To Be Continue.

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