Chapter 56 - Let her go~

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/:: Y/n

" Thomas get the fuck out from that room, now!" " you are not my mom!" my head was spinning like I had been on a rollercoaster for hours, my weak arm and leg indicated that something must have happened, but the problem was that I didn't remember anything, not even where I was at. Opening my eyes, I was met by a young boy with brownish hair, a panic raised in my chest, as I looked around, nothing looked recognizable. " Y/n!" the boy yelled, wrapping his arm around my neck, hugging me tight " wha- let go!" pulling his arm small arm from my neck, pushing him away from me.

"Y/N, you okay?" he moved his hand to my shoulder, making my flicker hard, and jump " no, don't touch me!" the panic in my voice got higher and worst over, kicking at him, he looked shocked at me " Tommy! Dream!" he yelled, running out the door from the room, the whole room looked like a dream, the queen bed with the green linens that almost match a blanket that was folded at the end of the bed, making the bed look need and tight, all in the room looked perfect, and yet here I was, not perfect. Tears started to press on my eyes, the whole room was unrecognizable, even the boy that I felt meant something was gone from my memories, it was like torture on the finest plan.

" Y/n?" all my senses turn on, as I hear the voice, turning to him he had a white mask on, it looked like a smile, and wearing a green hoodie " hello," I said, my voice chanking a little bit " you okay?" he asked, moving over the floor, his boost making marked on the floor, standing right in front of me, he gently moved my chin up, to look right at his face " you okay?" nodding my faces at him, he properly knew that I was laying to me " well if that is true. Why is Tubbo sitting in my room crying over can't remember him at all!" he yelled, at the top of his lungs raising his hand, as he might want to hit me, my whole body which was weak in the first place, moved to the hit, holding my breath just to sock the pain in, when it would hit me, but it didn't.

Opening my eyes, I had moved up aginst the wall, the man was just watching me, his eyes being cold and loveless, pulled me to the end of the bed ", you stupid girl! you don't remember me or the boys, do you!" shanking my shoulder " I-I" " answer me, now!" he commanded, pressing my fingernails in my hand, I turned away from him " I don't remember who you are" he grabbed my chin again, making our eyes meet again " well, what do you remember?" " emm, like L'Manburg were Wilbur and Jack are at, and like some glims form my past" he looked shocked at me, moving his hand down my cheek " nothing, left of me or Tommy and Tubbo?" tapping the side of my head " no, are they special too in some way?"

/:: Dream

" no, are they special in some way?" she asked, having no emotion in her face, at all. She didn't really remember at all, not anything " Y/n?" taking my mask of laying it on the night table, sitting next to her " you don't remember me, at all. But I remember all of our good and bad times" taking her hand squeezing it a little, she turned to me " you are the first, I think that I ever cared for, like for real" she smiled at me.

" well, I am sorry Dream but I don't remember anything about you" pulling her hand back to herself, placing her hand on the other one looking out the window to the garden " where are these places?" looking out the window with her " this is my home, and it has been your for 2 months now" smiling at her, she looked nervously and worried for something " Dream?" looking at her " can you take me to L'Manburg?" she brown hair, shine in the sunlight that was coming from the window " Dream?" snapped back to our conversation " sorry what?" " I said, can you take me to L'Manburg.?"

/:: Wilbur
" Stop crying, god Sapnap!" I said, looking at the heartbroken man that was sniffing and crying on the steps to the white house " he was my best friend" he cried, god he was so pathetic to look at. " God calms yourself" Jack that had the kindest heart of us all, moved to him hugging him. My earpiece vibrated, as a call was going through it, tapping it two times a voice it way in my ear.  " There is someone to see you" " who, if I may ask?" feeling a little nervous and a tip of panic at my stomach," he says, it is Dream. There are people with him" " let him in" turning to Jack, I grabbed his shirt pulling away from the " okay so Dream is here, do you think that the poison worked?" Jack nodded his head at me, making me smile.

" Wilbursoot, I wanna talk to you, now!" Drem yelled all over the city, making me turn to him " well hello, dear Dream" " cut the bullshit Wilbur, what was in the poison that you gave her!" looking at Jack he pushed himself behind me " it is memory lost poison, if you take it you will lose every good memory that you had over a pe of your life, And it looks like it worked perfectly, otherwise you weren't here in my land" Dream was mad and pissed about what we had done, I guessed that something else had happened to, else he had not walked all this way down here.

" Wilbursoot, I Dream am declaring war on the nation of L'Manburg"

taking his walk a takie out, turning at Jacks and Spanap " activate code blue"

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