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"Min Tae Gussi..!"

Called a middle-aged woman while sobbing.

"Min Na... Min Na... Min Na..."

Shi Min Na is Min Tae Gu's younger sister and they live with their mother, Mrs. Kim Ein Bin. Their Appa died 7 years ago due to lung disease. Min Tae Gu is a businessman, but his mother doesn't know exactly what business he has. She knows Min Tae Gu often goes out of town and even abroad.

Yesterday while he was on his business trip, his sister died from being shot by an unknown person near the pastry shop where she worked. Min Na is a girl to be innocent and friendly. Every day she works in a cake shop not far from her house. but unexpectedly she died in such a tragic way. The police are currently investigating the case, but it is not yet clear who the perpetrator.

"I have to find out for myself who the culprit and kill him with my hands" Min Tae Gu said in his heart.

"Eomma I'm going first, and Eomma pleasee take a rest" said Min Tae Gu

"Where are you going Taegu-ssi?" asked his mother.

"I want to get some fresh air" he answered as he went out to the car garage and then immediately stepped on the gas pedal.

I will go to the scene of the shooting and I will investigate it myself. I stopped at a restaurant not far from the scene. I want to see that the cake shop is still very busy, there's no way I can ask about yesterday events.
While looking around and studying the situation around I contacted one of my friends for help.

"Kim Ju Moek, are you free this afternoon? I want to talk about something. I'll see you in 20 minutes" I said on the other end of the phone and he agreed.

I entered the cake shop and saw a woman cleaning a table. I quickly walked over to her and lowered my voice to a half-whisper.

"Can we talk for a minute?" The woman looked panicked and half shocked when I approached her. I sat her down and purposely ordered some cakes so it wouldn't be too suspicious.

"Are you Min Na's friend? Don't worry, I just want to ask you a little something and I hope i can invite you to cooperate.

"Oh..yess, I'm Mi Na's Friend" she answered haltingly. I don't know why she was so scared to see me.

"Do you know anything about yesterday ? Ooh yeah  you look very scared and nervous when you see me, don't worry I'm Min Na's brother. I just want to know about that incident. I saw she calmed down a bit when I said that I was Min Na's brother.

"Please, Just tell me what you know"

"I don't know anything sir, because at the time of the incident I was in the bathroom and suddenly I heard a gunshot"

"Okay.. then tell me what you know about my sister, does she have a boyfriend? Close friends, or whatever?"

"I don't think so. because I never saw her meet or date anyone, she never even told me anything."

"Do you know where she likes to go, or her favorite place? I'm her older brother but I'm too busy with my work so I don't have much time with her, that's why I'm sorry and actually I want to investigate. Because I think this incident is very strange.

"All I know is that Min Na often visits her father's grave, I don't know about the others."

"Okay, thanks for your time. This is my number please call me if you know anything".

I gave my business card to the woman, hoping that she could cooperate with me to provide information. But it was difficult after seeing the conversation earlier she would not want to give any information. I immediately went to meet Ju Mok at the place I had agreed on the phone earlier.

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